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The June anniversary update will introduce a new urban environment and I invite you to help play test the new level. Over the next few weeks, I will be releasing Patreon-exclusive test builds. These test builds will be stripped down versions of the game with limited functionality, with the purpose being to specifically test the new level and evaluate how it plays.

There will be no set update schedule for these test builds, so you will need to keep an eye out for them. These builds will be announced and distributed on Patreon. Please do not share the builds. I need your feedback as it directly tell me what I need to add, change, or remove in order to better improve the gameplay experience.

Remember that none of the content in the test builds is final and is highly likely to be changed. More detailing will be introduced as the level goes through multiple passes; the focus will be on its level design.

I am looking to involve you more in Roshutsu's development as things ramp up. Please do consider joining the Discord server if you have not already. Your feedback can be shared either here on Patreon or on the private channel in the Discord server.

Thank you again for supporting Roshutsu!





That's great!


I love the look of the new area so far, great job!


love the new area, could use some more hidden pathways but it felt good keep up the good work