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Hey there, nudies! Hope you're handling the heat well this summer, because we got hot new rewards to debut this month! We wanted to do something to help flesh out Amber and the town she lives in (and to be honest, encourage more people to throw their financial support behind the game), so we'll be doing comics and pin ups every month!

For $5 supporters, we'll be posting full-color comic pages! Canonically-speaking, these comics take place a few weeks after Amber has settled in to her new nudist lifestyle. If you want to get a sneak peek at her during her day to day naked life interacting with other townspeople, you'll definitely want to check these out!

For $10 supporters, not only will you get the previously mentioned comic, but you'll also be getting pin ups! These will be full-colored, poster-sized pin ups showing off Amber in all her glory! We'll also include variants of each pin up, whether they be different expressions, altered poses, or even spicy, sexier versions!

Both of these will be drawn by Birthday Suit Studio's very own Sweez and written by yours truly, official game writer Brad. They're as canon as they can get! They'll be posted and available on the first of every month. Support the project any time during the month to get access to them!

As for the actual progress report, I've been cleaning up the last bit of management-related tasks. I needed to redo our trello board since it was way out of date, but now it's all cleaned up with everyone's current tasks. With all the management stuff out of the way, it's back to writing and designing!

Invertex has been tackling various UI elements of the game. Button remapping, game settings, pause and menu options, and even the main title screen. A whole lot of little things! We're going to spend this week getting more UI elements made and implemented, so we should hopefully have some nicer screenshots to show soon.

Nalem's working on a very cute UI element that I really can't wait to show off, and Bear is back on buildings. We've opted for a new approach when it comes to level design - rather than have Bear build the whole level from the grass to the buildings, Bear will just build us individual assets (like buildings) alone, letting Invertex and I worry about placing it in the world itself. This way, it's much easier for us to move and redo areas if another coffee zone-event happens where we realize that we need to reorganize the whole area for game design reasons. Bear's currently working on the first new building for a brand new zone...


Very official looking building, isn't it! Look at that tiny Amber model waaaay down there. Little does she know that the watchful architecture of bureaucracy looms behind her...

But that's it for today! Thank you all so much! I'll be posting those new rewards immediately after this post goes live! Hope to see you then!



Double Deadline

Will these be posted to the patreon or to the discord?


I appreciate the extra content! Really feels rewarding to support a indie studio on its own, but the extra rewards are much appreciated! Thank you guys for all the hard work you do!🫂