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Hey there, nudies! Since last week's post ended up being later, this post is a bit shorter as a result... or should I say this post is quicker? Because this week was all about SPEED, baby! We're RUNNING! Or, well, at least Amber is.

As much as we'd like to encourage taking it nice and relaxed in Culo Culo Town, it would be pretty annoying if you had to slowly stroll at a leisurely pace everywhere. We've been testing around with various run speeds and animations, trying to figure out the best approach. Trying to build the right run is actually surprisingly difficult for a game like this. You could try for a more casual approach, but it might end up looking weirdly stiff and lifeless, like so:

On the other hand, you could go with something more animated and lively, but then it might be TOO animated.


I think we'll end up tweaking this one a bit, try to find that sweet spot between animated and fun but not so extremely feminine and anime. One thing we're also considering is a stamina bar for Amber's run, something that you could increase by leveling your Athletic skill. Though the bar wouldn't actually represent how much energy Amber has; the bar would represent how long Amber can run before her boobs bouncing around gets to be too much for her. Yes, of course there'd be a bouncing titty icon with it.

That all said, still a bit of experimenting to do around it. We'll keep you updated, as always~

See you next week!



Dracon Atrox

100% agree on the running limitations not being "how long can I running before losing my breath", but instead going with "how far can I run before my boobs give me a black eye." Lol


Could be a how fit she is thing, when the athletic stat is low, she runs animatedly, then more normally when she gets to higher stat level, with a possible toggle in settings for people who like the silliness of the animated run cycle