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Another wip update on Rylee. Based on my and your suggestions, I updated her body shape (may adjust it some more) made changes to her face, adjusted her nipple color, broaden her shoulders some, beefed up her arms, shrank her bust size and also her star tattoos. There's still a few more things to do, but let me know what you think and any other comments below.




I really like the new look. Can't wait to see more.


digging the new look as well!


I like the new look but I prefer the old big boobs though


I think her new smaller but still impressive bosom fits her well. Overall I loved Rylee before and will do after the subtle upgrade. Only point but that might be due to the illumination. In the profile view the former skin tone looks darker and therefore displayed better the veins. This is a detail but for me an important one as it makes the character more realistic. So please don’t lighten up her sk8ntone and keep the veins🙂


Speaking of veins interested to how the new uncut cock will look 😜


@Supro3D: Was just a crazy idea. My logic was it would fit with origin story, but I might have misinterpreted it.