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Like I said last month, updates are gonna be slower for the time being. Stuff happened IRL that slowed things down for me, so that's why.

I will still work on this month's requests including the $30 tiers and rando requests. I'll also probably post some archival content (stuff the $10s and up already can check out) this month.

I'll also work on what Callista suggested previously about doing profile pics for the girls. Because of that, I may tweak some assets of the girls (cock size, boob size, height, etc). So if there's any ideas of what you want to see on the profile, let me know down below.

Also, the site is being reworked on, which is gonna take a couple of months. I know I said this before, but this time it's a complete overhaul as I'm switching out from Wordpress. 

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll probably have another post up later today, if not tomorrow. Take care!


Sgt. Buck

Trying to think of what should be on Krissy's profile. I may rewrite the little blurb about her history.

Sgt. Buck

A detail that might be nice for each profile is measurements. Cup size, cock length, stuff like that :D


Take care!


Suggestion: SDJ cock length on profile.


You could add in their kinks, hobbies, favorite positions, first official appearance, and even a quote from them. I doubt you would want to go to this level but preferred partner or favorite erogenous zone.


Boom! Profile pics!!! And when you said "tweak assets" I read that as "bigger boobs, perhaps even Ricky Java style big boobs." Just FYI.


Profile pics are gonna be the main canon, so more like changing their boob size (plus or minus), cock size, height, etc. Ricky Java style boobs would be more non-canon stuff like SDJ.


I like the idea of preferred partner (I'll do up to two just in case) and favorite positions. I'm probably gonna stop doing the quotes because they don't make much sense now, but a proper bio should work out.