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First off, I wanna give a quick update on how I’m doing since my kidney transplant. The last 5 weeks have been good so far. At the moment, clinical visits have been cut back to every 2 weeks, which is good. I haven’t had any major complications and doesn’t look like anything has come up on my recent tests. So I want to thank you for supporting me these last few weeks and I definitely appreciate all the ways you’ve supported me, whether it was keeping your pledge going or just saying some nice things. Thank you.

Now onto some business. With my newfangled extra time, I want to try to do a few things, both new and revisited, that I’m looking to do for the rest of the year and in 2020. One of the things I’m planning on doing starting this month is learn Blender. I tried learning it before, but most of that info has disappeared from my brain, so I have to relearn it. 

I also want to try to do animation (especially on Blender as the tools are better) on a semi-regular basis. Not like full length titles or anything, but more like short loops and whatnot to get myself in the game. I dunno when the animating will begin, but you’ll be the first to know.

Another thing is I want to create a few characters that are different from my norm. I do love the current roster and don’t really have plans to change that at the moment. But I did want to experiment around with a couple of ideas, some you probably haven’t seen from me at all or in a long time. One thing is they may or may not be involved with the Intrigue 3D roster. It will just depend on the situation for each. I’ll get into the details about that later, so keep an eye out for that.

Other quickbits: I will have a new set coming out sometime soon. It’s still being worked on and it’s a co-production with Nuflash. I already showed off the first bit of it to my $20 supporters. Depending on the timing, I may have the final set out this month. I may also release a few smaller sets that are archived to keep things flowing (they’ll be conveniently priced compared to larger ones). I am working on some changes to the site, though that is still in progress. And yeah, that’s about it for now. Thanks for reading!



Glad to hear things are going well. Looking forward to seeing some new characters.


Good to hear you're doing well!


Awesome to hear it's all going well! Can't wait to see what's to come and some new cool blender stuff!!


Here's a crazy suggestion if no one's brought it up before. Dragonball Z style fusion