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 Commissioned by Typhos47. More spooky stuff happening as the ghost girl starts rubbing the dildo on her pussy. Also the camera somehow floating? Alt angle included.



Joseph P. Taylor

Night Four: Damnit, these are some sneaky sexy spirits wandering around my home. I'll give you guys the rundown: Last night before I set up my camera I decided to try to lure the ghost(s) into my bedroom. I was dealing with a horny ghost so I put up a sign labeled "Free Dick" on my bedroom door. I wasn't sure if I could maintain an erection all night so I went out real quick to get some pills for that. Couldn't pick between viagra or cialis so I got both and took about half of each, passing out on my bed shortly after. Woke up the next morning to my house smelling like ass (must have been ghost funk 😞). So the good news is that none of the spirits stole anything. The bad news is that my camera is missing. At first I thought the ghost might have caught on to my plan until I received a knock on my door from two policemen. They said they got a call from my neighbors about a break in. The person identified looked homeless and was seen running from my home in the middle of the night screaming "ghost titties for life!" *GASP* That fucker has my footage! I didn't tell the cops anything else since they'll obviously want the recording for themselves. I try to update you guys in a little bit. I'm going Hobo Hunting. 🔫 😡

Joseph P. Taylor

Update: I found that Hobo that stole my camera earlier today. He was at that abandoned haunted house I visited last month beating his meat to my hard earned ecto-erotica. Not on my watch! I grabbed that fuck-witt by the neck with his pants still down and demanded him to return my camera, and tell me how did he know what I was doing as well as how he found my house. He said that some person that spends a lot of time on Reddit tipped him off of my plans. Turns out that my house was really haunted, as he assured me that hot sexy spectres were filmed on my camera. When I reviewed the footage, I didn't any ghost at all. But I did catch his filthy ass literally taking a shit in my living room. (I guess that's what the smell actually was .😖) When I turned to him to call him out on his lies, the hobo told me that I can only see them with some spirit serum. He pulls out a syringe filled with some grey liquid and said that I can see them on tape when I inject that stuff into my arm. The hobo had like a few cartons of that shit lying around, so I thought fuck it, and took all of it when he wasn't paying attention (too busy beating off in the corner) and went home. It's the least I can do since the bum made me search all town for him .😛 I hope he wasn't bullshiting me about the serum. I'll let everyone know how it goes later.


I like her attitude! Maybe the camera has been haunted the whole time