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Rylee & Krissy taking a selfie (while I'm hoping I don't get a C&D from WWE). Originally, this was gonna be a part of the Rylee transformation series where Rylee talks about meeting Krissy and becoming friends. But instead I wanted to focus on just Rylee for the main portion. In any case, consider this a bonus.



The Befuddler

I see Rylee is a Balor Club member 😏


Oh you. But seriously, why join the knock off when the original is still in town?

The Befuddler

Their time will come. Just wait for Vince McMahon to die


Krissy kinda looks like she is doing the longhorns hand sign. I thought Rylee was doing the wolf pack sign lol. *shows age*


Rylee needs to take more selfies while she’s being serviced.