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I haven't updated for a while because I ran into some problems with my hard drive that has majority of my 3D-related work. So I'm basically gonna be out of commission for a bit. I am working to fix the issue, so I hope it works out within the next couple of days. 

In the meantime, I do have a few stuff I did for emergencies such as this. So I'll be posting those shortly. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry.


Joseph P. Taylor

No problem, we'll be here when everything is sorted out.


Hopefully you have a good disc doctor...


Oh man that sucks, sorry to hear that. Hard drive failure can just feel pretty defeating. Hopefully it doesn't have you feeling too down.

The Befuddler

Alright, fingers crossed for a full recovery


Full recovery might not be possible, but I'm seeing what I can salvage. Luckily, I have a backup from January of this year, so I just need to redownload anything from then on.

Deaf Gotham

This doesn't really help you out for what you've already lost, but for preventing this from being too big a problem in the future, check out Backblaze.com. Super cheap and reliable.


Oh no! Data loss is terrifying, even more so when that data is your livelihood. I had some success recently with a PartedMagic live CD, but the recovery process was beyond obtuse; I'd be happy to pop into the Discord to offer suggestions, but I suspect you've already got a solid plan of attack. Keep us updated but don't be too worried about your breakneck posting schedule - we'll still be here when you're back on your feet. Good luck!