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I've added a Discord server that you can join. In order to be listed as one of the Patreon Cool Cats, follow the info on this link. Make sure you got a discord account before doing so. Hope to see you there. Thanks!


Edit x2: Bah. Patreon bot blocks me from adding people manually to the Patreon role. Here's what you'll need to do:

1) Head to your pledges tab and click edit pledge. Refresh your pledge by selecting the Update Pledge button.    

2) Directly after pledging, on the Thank You page, there’ll be an option to Connect on Discord. Click this to link your Patreon and Discord account. If you missed this page, head over to your account settings to link your Discord and Patreon account. 

Make sure you Discord is linked to your patreon first!



Huh. Not that this is a bad idea, but what are we going to talk about? Rank fetishes? Argue full v. partial package futa?


Anything and everything. Also full package futas are best.


Well that's a shame, Kiara's so pleasantly himself. Herself. Hirself? Bit of a confusion of pronouns.. Because Kiara et al are Futanari not Intersex, correct? Female with package? My point being, and realizing that clearly I am of the minority position, that Futanari aren't actually Futa if they don't have both sets of genitalia. That's Intersex which itself is any combination of sex characteristics. Does that matter? Try using Intersex in your head everytime you see Futanari and decide for yourself. I personally just find testicles repulsive on women. =P


What? You wouldn't want to bang a girl with testicles under her vagina? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WptuNxdUOaA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WptuNxdUOaA</a>


But in any case, I'm just call all dickgirls that or futa. Ain't nobody got time for logistics.


If she's got a vagina, I'm a lot less disgusted than if "she" doesn't. Also this isn't really about "nature" because you're under no compulsion to create anything you don't want to. Someone could complain about the lack of GILF in your material; you are under no obligation to indulge them. Would you present a "dick girl" with no dick, testicles and a pussy? I'm going to guess no because that's a lot of saggy, wrinkly, stippled skin and arguments about RL sex identity aside that sounds totally repulsive on an aesthetic level. Anyway, whatever. Points made, other shit to do. GG, etc.


GILF? Is that grandmas? Governors? Grapes? I dunno this new internet lingo the cool kids are saying! And probably not as that's too weird for me.


I think it means Gonzo. I mean that Muppets does sound like he is into some things: <a href="https://youtu.be/FGOgwU39Ds0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/FGOgwU39Ds0</a>


Is it talking on keyboard or is it actual mic/voice?


Yeah for some reason this isn't working for me. Even disconnecting Patreon from Discord etc.