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Hey guys! I want to thank you for your continued support. We have a lot going on here. I've hired an editor and we are continuing to ramp up produciton to make sure you have what you need to teach your dog! I'm shooting most of this week and then I'll be getting to your private messages for those who qualify. Thank you for your patience! 




Hello Zak, can I ask if you have considered creating a common Q&A page? Patrons only?


Hi Zak. I adopted my dog, Bandit from an animal shelter when he was about two years old. He wasn't trained and he barks and growls at any person or dog he has never seen before. He will try to attack people who come to our house. I would like to train Bandit to stop barking, growling, or attempting to attack people or other animals. Do you have any advice on how I could do that?


You should definitely consult a professional trainer for a training plan. Reactivity at the level you're describing needs a management plan immediately to prevent the dog rehearsing the behavior and a training schedule that addresses the underlying issue. Good luck.