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I made a pretty long post on Facebook today about loose leash walking. If I had to pick one thing that people have the most trouble with it’s this. Most people under estimate the challenge this can be if they do not go about it right. I really wanted to spell out WHY dogs pull and the best way to deal with it. Did any of you have any thoughts or questions about this? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=728361913876155&set=a.166936330018719.32510.163398843705801&type=1


Zak George - Timeline Photos | Facebook

Does your dog pull on the leash when you walk? Are you convinced that you need to use a special collar to resolve this? Keep reading because I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to change your mind IF you are receptive to learning.



Sure Susan I will do that in the morning :-)) its bed time here now