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As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting much this year. The reason is simple: I'm expecting a child and needed to find a more financially stable job. I've been contemplating the future of this Patreon page and my work as an NSFW artist. The only option I see is to end it and focus on raising my child in a proper environment and care. So, with a heavy heart, I want to thank you all for being with me on this long and enjoyable journey and wish you all the best. Thank you one last time for the tremendous support you've given me. I won't be closing the Patreon page if I can avoid it, and I might occasionally post something in the future, but please don't expect regular updates. The page will remain open as a paid archive of all my work and as a means to support me if someone chooses to do so. Art is still a big part of my life, my passion, and I won't stop creating, but it's time for me to explore something different. Goodbye, friends! See you next time!



While it's sad to see you go, I'm very happy for you at the same time! Thank you so much for all the wonderful art you've created and best of luck to you with the kid!

Jason Trent

Congratulations! Thank you for all the great art you put out, we'll miss you greatly. Best of luck in all your future endeavors!


Massive Congratulations!! Totally understandable for sure :) Hope you and the family are keeping well and best of luck in the future! Whenever you do make new art will defo look forward to seeing whatever you make!