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Hello, dear readers.

Long story short, I'm still sick, which put a halt on the re-editing process (the fact that the mess-up with the dates in volume four was worse than I originally thought didn't help either). However, it's been a while since I last uploaded here, so I wanted to ask your opinion on what to do. Should I just knuckle down on the editing and make the re-edited volumes into PDF/EPUB as before, should I throw together another extra chapter (it's been a while since the last totally-not-D&D episode), or should I just start on the next volume and do the editing on the side?

Your opinion would be much appreciated.





The extra chapter, if writing it will cheer you up. It's probably a nice break from editing without having to change gears into the next arc.


Or write something completely different, unrelated to editing or starting the next arc.