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As you might've noticed, I got absolutely fascinated with this AI artwork generation thing, so here's a second batch I cooked up for you guys. 

First off, with a bunch of tweaking, I managed to generate a few slightly less milfy yet still curvy Elly images for your viewing pleasure.

Draconic form Elly is also pretty neat, though as usual, the AI is pretty bad with hands. Trying to come up with an image where she would have proper claws and stuff was straight up impossible.

Also, I keep taking it for granted, but I'd like to remind you that during most of the slice-of-life parts in the school, Elly has a red headband. Headbands are underrated.

Staying with the Dracis family, here's Emese post-healing.

I also played around with the art-styles a little bit, trying to get across the idea that she has some Asian ancestry, and this slightly more "realistic" one is much better at it than the standard anime style.

Here's papa Dracis in all his boisterous glory. Elly gets her eyes and hair color from him. Thankfully, she gets everything else from her mother.

Here's an alternative, with a rougher style. I like this one because it puts more emphasis on his side-burns.

Staying on theme, I have a couple of Sebastians for you. This guy was hard to nail down. This one focuses more on him being a straight-laced old guy.

This one is more focused on him being an imposing silver fox and scary dragon in disguise.

The hair's a little iffy on this one, but I like the mysterious vibe the golden eyes give off combined with the fancy background. Also, that's definitely not a ghost in the back, but just to be sure, don't make eye contact.

Keeping up with the theme of the "extended" Dracis family, here's a Volume 1 Leo logging around Brang's big-ass spear. 

And here's a Volume 3 Leo in Lion Knight mode. Ignore the sword floating behind him, it's just Cal being shy.

If we're at family, let's not ignore Judy's dear mom in her element. I really wanted to get her to hold a ladle, but the AI refused to cooperate...

Apropo of nothing, here's an Ichiko from the end of Volume 2.

Here's a cute little fox Ichiko.

And here's a Chibichiko!

On a more serious note, here's Fred doing some really serious research that in no way involves giant blocky mechas. Not at all.
That said, he cleaned up pretty nicely, huh?

Aaaand now he's back to being a slob again. Sigh.

Well, at least we have Galatea to keep him in line. Beep-boop, insert android joke here.

Here's an alternative. I like the divided bangs on the front. Makes her look unique.

If we're at side characters, here's a smug granny for you. Too bad I couldn't get her nose right. The AI either ignored the detail, like here, or gave her a comically huge one, so I went with this.

Here's an alternative style. Like, ten percent less smug, and like, twenty percent cuter, but still totally wicked! Like, fer shur!

Here's an Armband Guy for you... without the armband. Don't ask. I have no idea why it's missing for the only really good image it gave me, but I decided to cut my losses.

And finally, it's a... Wait, what?


Ooooh! An electric sheep! I suppose I overworked the AI and it went to sleep? Oh well.

So, last, but not least, here's a sneak peek at the cover of the next published volume:

It's still a work in progress, but it looks pretty neat.

That's all folks. I promise the next update will be an actual chapter part, but as I said, I really got caught up in this AI generation business. The fact that I could generate all of these for a fraction of what it would've taken to commission a single image is kind of mind-blowing, and while the quality is obviously more hit-or-miss than if it was done by a professional artist, by generating dozens of iterations, It was pretty easy to get some absolutely satisfactory results.



sebastian looks great, man i love these images thanks for sharing these


Even without the armband, I recognized Armband Guy instantly.


Oh my god, that fist picture of Elly is soooooo pretty.


I’ll be honest, I imagined Ichiko to look like the first fox girl you encounter in Monster girl quest.

Danielle Warvel

Very cool. I like the third sebastian pic. The ghost pic seems like a cursed object he would have in his collection.

Enrico Snipes

I prefer the second Sebastian pic, gives a fierce vibe that fits a dragon in disguise

Paradoxez Novel Reader

That's awesome. Which AI did you use mainly? Dall-E ? Dreambooth and stable diffusion?


All of these are made using NovelAI's pre-trained stable diffusion models. They are specifically trained using anime-style artwork, so they are best at making characters, but as you can see, they are pretty decent at slightly more realistic artwork and backgrounds as well.

Paradoxez Novel Reader

Funny thing is Mr butler is exactly how I imagined him (minus maybe a few wrinkles). So my takeaway is Sebastian is just a universal constant huh 👌


Emese has me feeling things