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Hello Dear Readers,

Well, this is terribly embarrassing to admit, but I messed up big time. Long story short, I slipped up with the dates within the story, and because of this, there's literally no time for certain crucial events to happen in the time frame I set up. Due to this, I now have to rebuild the whole second half of the volume from the ground-up before I actually start writing it. The next couple of chapters aren't affected too deeply by this, but I want to make sure everything checks out, because I don't want to write myself into a corner and be forced to start retconning things later. As such, I humbly ask for your patience. 





I will take quality chapters over rushed releases any day, take your time and make the story the way you think is best, so far it's been great!

Enrico Snipes

I always felt like poor Leo had things happening to him all at once in overlapping timeframes, though i understand that it is possible for him to deal with it by teleporting between places, it was certainly stressful during the knights/robatto/mountain girl kerfuffle. Can't imagine how bad it is if the author is saying things are overlapping


The plots getting piled up for the climax was by design, and it's why the second volume ended up so long, because all of it had to be set up in advance. In this case, the issue is that the finale is taking place in late December, and the holidays restrict me from fudging the dates and moving events around to easily fix the problem. I have a solution, but it requires cutting a funny scene I really wanted to write...