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I'm sorry this isn't a chapter update, but unfortunately I've been sick for the past week. As in, constant coughing and a 39 degrees Celsius fever, with a dash of insomnia and some nasty diarrhea as the cherry on top. This has been going on since Christmas, and while it's not the Koof Vaarus (TM), at least if the quick test is to be believed, it doesn't make me feel any better. Needless to say, feeling like shit and not getting enough sleep is not good for writing, so I only managed to force myself to pen down a couple of paragraphs, but it shows, and I'll probably have to rewrite them when I get better, or even start from scratch.

Anyhow, I still wish you a happy new year. Have fun with your friends and family, drink responsibly (if you do at all), and let's all hope things will get better for a change next year. Now, if you excuse me, I'll have to take my pain medication and hibernate under about three layers of blankets like an especially ornery marmot. [Insert angry marmot grumblings here.]

Ciao, and have a nice day.


Orion Dye

Get well soon. I’ve heard for months now about a particularly nasty cold that is unrelated to covid going round. That’s probably what you caught.


Hope you feel better soon, take some pills and get plenty of rest.


Probably. The issue is that the healthcare system has blinders on, and if it isn't The Koof, doctors just send you away for wasting their time. I had a nasty sore throat and inflamed tonsils since the week before Christmas, but our family doctor simply told me to take over-the-counter cold medication and sent me back to work. He refused to even use his stethoscope to check my lungs until I got a lasting fever and had shortness of breath, but even then, since my test is negative, he literally told me, "It's not Covid, so it's probably nothing serious. Just stay in bed for a few days." I've seen it at work as well, but by now I'm really starting to believe that more people might've died due to lack of healthcare and doctors not giving a fuck about anything else than the actual virus as of late...


Take care of yourself and happy new year to you too.

Cameron Yourell

Take the time to take care of yourself properly. All the best for the new year.