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What are we having tonight you ask? Pussy.

Might hate myself later for that joke, anyway

I really wanted to draw them all lately I couldn‘t hold myself back. I also considered just drawing them doing it in a threesome but I didn‘t have any ideas for that 😔 maybe later.

Despite all that bickering in the comic Bella and Lian actually have a lot of chemistry, from one hothead to another, yanno? We‘ll see how their relationship develops in the comic, hm? 👀

Did you know Henry is canonally (canonically?) a virgin? Sad dude, I appreciate him. But don‘t tell anyone 😤🤫




Henry i volunteer as a tribute


Can Bella actually cook? Or can she really only serve pussy for dinner? She doesn't strike me as someone who can cook mostly cause neither can I.


She can cook but she can also burn the kitchen down on accident 😂