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No sexual tension in here nuh uh ...but Henry‘s hand is making me nervous

I really love his hair like this it looks so cool somebody tell him he should wear it like that more often 😤




Bella's dress is so pretty hhh, their hairstyles look awesome, both of them, I love this!:D also I know that's what character development and stories are for but I find so funny how we've all fallen in love with pairings of your characters that aren't even canon (yet?).x)


Thank you!! 🤧❤️ aaah the non-canon pairs seem to be always a bit more intriguing huh- 😂


I love the hands! Especially the one closest to us, the foreshortening is on *point* (I say as I have little to no experience with it) and I love how Henry looks like "Bitch let go of my cigarette"


Thank you!! 💕 Haha nobody just grabs his cigarette and get away with it smh 😔🤧