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I know I said Oscar would stay at Oliver‘s place all this time (and he most likely will haha) but I also wanted to draw how it would be for them if they can‘t be together for such a long time :(

So video chat is their only option to see eachother but it‘s not even slightly enough tbh. They would get so touch starved nngh,, especially Oliver being a people person just needs someone around him. He can‘t even meet his other friends, so I imagine he would really have the most problems with this situation.

One good thing tho, since he barely needs to leave the house he doesn‘t feel the need to shave like everyday. His hair grows fast and is fairly strong so shaving can get really annoying. Oscar gotta live with it 😤




That's way too cute 🥺🥺🥺💖 this puppy is so adorable !! (Feel ya Oscar shave that Oliver even if you still cute af)


but Oliver looks sooo good with facial hair though...