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Evelyn floated in the formless void with only her thoughts and the yawning darkness as company.

She didn't know how long she'd been here, it was difficult to keep track  of time when you have no point of reference to tell how fast it goes by  after all. And while her newfound ability to retain her attention to  truly ridiculous extents was interesting (as much as it was alarming),  actually verifying if the seconds she measured was indeed a second or  not was practically impossible.

She herself was formless, a stark contrast to her rather distinct state  of being as a human not that long ago. It was a novel experience to be  honest.
Even so, she could do with being merely formless for now. It was better that she was something,  rather than face complete oblivion after death. Although, she could  admit that she was rather peeved that the 'great question' of what  happens after death remained a mystery still, even after she had died.

Evelyn figured that her current answer to said question was invalid  given that something had interrupted the process. At least she could  prove that souls were real, if nothing else.

She also suspected that her mind was sufficiently different from what it  used to be as well, she had the sense that something fundamental to the  very way she thought and functioned had been altered in ways she  couldn't quite explain. In any case, she kept expecting herself to start  panicking any time now, only for her mind to remain as calm as it has  ever been.

Seeing that there was nothing better to do with her time, she poked and  prodded at various sensations as she tried to assess her situation.

The disembodied woman eventually figured out that while she was indeed formless, she did have mass. Quite a lot of it in fact.
From what she could tell, she was some sort of oddly fluid, intelligent,  crystal mass held in a state of suspended animation. She knew  instinctively that she would eventually be able to condense herself into  a 'proper' body and be primed for 'deployment'. Did that mean she some  sort of AI or nanite swarm in this life? But that didn't make sense  since her body felt 'natural' in a way that could only come about from  selective evolution. Questions about the nature of souls and sentience  aside, she was perplexed. She had the distinct impression that she  wasn't organic - whatever she was, even if she was 'alive', she wasn't  something that was derived from carbon based life.

Wait, was she an alien?

Oh well, she could wait and find out when she was 'deployed'. It wasn't as if time bothered her anymore.

With nothing else to do, Evelyn tried to observe her surroundings, but  there wasn't really much to see here. Rather, nothing her currently  alien senses and scanners could perceive at the very least least. On the  other hand, there was a lot of data made available to her when she  raised the question as to where she currently was. The answer popped up  in her mind as if prompted.

She paused and read through the data packet.

According to the information in the packet, she was the seventh  construct amongst twenty from what was essentially a series of highly  advanced magical/Clarke tech super-weapons. It was on studying the data  that had been collected from the other deployed constructs that she  understood where she was and what exactly she had become.

Evelyn was a nascent Endbringer. From Worm.

And considering that the data showed that six end-bringers had already  been released it also seemed like she was a bit late to the party,  though she couldn't tell by how much.

The idea was so ludicrous and out there that she would have laughed. As  it was, the entirely alien experience of being a sentient mass of  crystal disillusioned her of this being anything but reality. Human  imagination was amazing and all, but simulating how it felt like to be  an artificial intelligence manning a completely inorganic mass of highly  malleable crystal, with the absurd level of detail she currently had,  was so utterly beyond anything a human mind could conjure that it wasn't  funny anymore.

She could pick apart her molecular structure for fuck's sake!

After taking a few moments to recompose herself, Evelyn planned.

First things first, she decided to bring up what assets she could  actually use. It was difficult to figure out how to do it though, since  there wasn't a programming language Evelyn could recognize, nor was  there any actual interface she could interact with. For all that the  Entities were barely sentient supercomputers, they evolved naturally;  and that meant they never really needed to place any artificial  interfaces within themselves to make a potential user's life easier.

Welp, so the hard way it is.

After flailing about a bit, she eventually figured out a method to  compile various ideas and concepts into a bundle and transmit it to  herself. The instinctive preparation for a response inherent to all  Shards and Entities brought up all the relevant details she needed to  respond - and thus answering her own questions.  A bit counter-intuitive  but eh, whatever works.
After that, grabbing hold of the data and going through it at her own leisure was a relatively simple affair.

[Assets] she prompted, and her mind was filled with everything she had  at her disposal. The list was truly massive and daunting even to look  at.
To make things easier, she grabbed all the ‘essential' and ‘non  configurable’ stuff like [Movement data], [Energy harvesting procedures]  and dumped them all into a 'folder' like cache she decided to label  [Essential Bases].
It reduced the volume of the data immensely and she went through the  rest feeling significantly more relieved. It only took a single look at  what was left for Evelyn to realize what exactly had led to her being  stranded here.

"It was the CYOA. It was the fucking CYOA all along." Evelyn grit out in  incredulous rage. Then the tension bled out of her body and she sighed.  (Rather, she replicated the action in her mind with surprisingly  accuracy. Then again, she was a creature born of an alien space whale  that was able to predict the future by simulating entire timelines so  she shouldn't really be surprised that she could simulate something as  insignificant as a sigh of all things.)
Nearly all the powers and abilities from the CYOA had been added in the  form of various modules she could integrate into her future body, and  she realized that if she played it right, she could min-max some serious  synergy between them.

“Thank God, or whoever is looking out for me that the last build I made  was a functional one, even if it is from the Lewd CYOA” She mumbled. “If  I knew this was going to happen, I would have chosen a different CYOA  entirely but at the very least the choices I made are OK. Good enough  that I have some breathing room and some decent survivability options.  Being 'Purpose Oriented' is going to be annoying but I can work with  what I have here.”

"Never thought that the quote 'you are what you want to be could be  applied so literally." She ‘said’ as an afterthought as she played  around with her ‘Construct settings’.

She had good progress with creating an amazing looking avatar, having  experience spending ridiculous amounts of time on 'character creation'  in RPGs but she ended up being unsatisfied no matter what she tried.  Yeah, it looked cool but it was nowhere near as optimized as it could  be, her physical parameters falling behind all of her 'siblings' no matter what she tried. So, she scrounged up the data from the other Endbringers’ bodies to start off as a template.

Evelyn could tell that using the 'standard' Endbringer body would  actually hinder certain abilities, so she used the Simurgh's as a base  instead. Despite her humanoid appearance, the ‘main body’ of the  eldritch angel wannabe was merely a smooth facsimile. Evelyn could see  that she was a gestalt composed of a countless amount of carefully  placed 'wings'.

Evelyn smiled. “Yeah, I can work with this.”

She took the template, and proceeded to go absolutely ham with it.
The 'coreless' and 'negentropy' perk made it so that she didn't really  need core to act as a centralized anchor since energy and mass seemed to  be generated by the pre-existing mass that made up her body. And it did  so simultaneously and spontaneously when she required it. However, it  was far more efficient to just place really optimized micro-cores in  each 'wing' and have them network each other. After that, she applied  the bullshit onion-like dimensional folding that characterized the  Endbringers in every single wing 'unit'. The end result, along with the  perk made her different from her 'siblings' in that she could host the  entirety of her 'shard' body in whichever dimension she currently  occupied if she so desired it.

There really wasn't a difference between the 'Endbringer' and the 'Shard' that controlled it in her case. Not anymore at least.

By necessity, each 'unit' wing was functionally indestructible, and  could be remotely controlled. Evelyn could also leverage her 'Changer'  ability far more freely this way and use detached wings as recoverable  projectile weaponry. If she was really desperate, she could also  remotely detonate them too. She was like a hive organism in a way; her  body was essentially a mass of 'feathers' that could disperse, recombine  and reconfigure relatively easily.
"I'm a gestalt within a gestalt." She mused
True, it took a great deal more resources to recover a whole 'wing' if  one was destroyed, but it was also nearly impossible to destroy said  wings permanently, If it was possible at all.
Considering that it was far easier for the small wings to just flow  around or be blown away by an attack rather than tank it directly, even  that possibility was diminished greatly.

After finishing up, Evelyn gazed at her work and cheered, satisfied.

She still looked like the Simurgh though, so Evelyn decided to work on  that. No need to Steal her “sibling's” appearance; especially when the  sight of said sibling was nightmare fuel for the locals. It didn’t fit  her theme either, since Evelyn didn't really have anything that  facilitated flight, nor did her 'telekinesis' extend beyond manipulation  of her own body, which was only useful to use said ‘wings’ as  projectiles and to have them return. She could leverage that to fly, but  it was nothing special to speak of in the grand scheme of things.

After a moment of inspiration, she decided to smooth out the wings and  arrange them symmetrically on either side of her body. She then had them  wrap around herself like a rather fluffy cloak. A few wings on her head  curved and coiled to appear like horns and the ones behind her joined  into a large, reptilian tail that was nearly as long as she was tall. It  too was also rather fluffy.

Evelyn smiled. The appearance was a nod to a character that had been one  of her personal favorites for a long, long time; Priscilla, the  half-dragon crossbreed from Dark Souls 1. The look was also surprisingly  easy to recreate, with only a touched up face and her (upgraded) body  proportions serving as a reminder of the human girl Evelyn used to be.

All in all, the result was something she was comfortable with, and faced  with nothing else to do, Evelyn opted to just enter [Hibernation] until  it was time for her to leave her nest.


Appearance attached

Build Details :

Cost: -5 Points
Requires Sexual Healing (EB) and Life Link​How Do You Want To Enter Earth-Bet?
Become An Endbringer
Start With +5 Points
You will be allowed Five of these boons:Portal : Being stuck in Worm may be not so desirable to you,  with this you can gain the ability to open a portal between worlds,  capable of taking you to alternative Earth's like Aleph or other  fictional settings. The portal will stay active for an hour and you have  a one week cooldown between uses, be careful as time will continue to  pass even for the worlds that you no longer reside in.
Power Mixtures : A new section will be opened after the Boons  where some extra choices will be. The powers and other boons in this  section will be much stronger than the choices presented elsewhere. The  Choices will have requirements in form of multiple other choices, in  addition to being expensive.
More Points A; Gain: +3 Points
More Points B; Gain: +3 Points
More Points C; Gain: +3 Points
Starting Point
After The Gold Morning : 2013, June 25th
Gain: +15 Points
Endbringer: Boons and Drawbacks :

Purpose Oriented : You will need to pick a purpose for  yourself in the section down below, and you will feel a desire to work  toward it. Not working toward whatever your purpose is for a few days  will begin weakening any powers you might have, they will come back to  you if you start working toward it again.
Purpose : Your purpose is to fulfill the sexual fantasies of your  targets, by making them a reality. This can be done using your powers to  provide your targets sexual experiences that you believe they might  like.
Gain: +2 Points

Changer : You do not have a static appearance and can change  it at will, both body shape, type, and size, doing so will take some  time. You can take a much more humanoid shape than before, but not  enough for you to blend in. You'll also be able to modify the  consistency of your body, make it meatlike and organic, and design your  organs and biology to your specification.
Cost: -2 Points

Coreless : You will no longer have the large weak-point that  your siblings have, and the processes performed by the core will be done  without it. This will, in turn, make you functionally unkillable, by  anyone other than the entities as there is no core that can be  overloaded or damaged.
Cost: -3 Points

Human Avatar : You will be able to create an avatar shaped  like a human or an animal, which you, in turn, can control as if it was  your own body. This body will have none of your Enbringer-powers, but it  will let you mingle around humans without creating mass hysteria, and  you can buy normal powers for it. You will only be able to create a new  one when your old avatar is dead. You will be mute, but can communicate  by other means.
Cost: -2 Points

Negentropy : The main purpose of an Entities is to find the  solution to entropy and you share that goal no longer, while limited in  output you will generate enough free energy to sustain yourself  indefinitely, and you do not require connection to a shard network as  well.
Cost: -2 Points

Narcolepsy : Every few days you'll suddenly need a few hours  of sleep, and you'll never know the exact time it happens, you'll  probably be able to stay awake for about ten minutes or so.
Cost: +3 Points

PowersWish Granting : You will be able to grant wishes to people,  like a genie, but only once per person rather than three, you'll get to  decide how the wish is granted. The changes have to be small-time and  revolving themselves only, like becoming beautiful, getting a better  job, or gaining youth again, and the change can be retroactive if you  choose to. You will be able to twist the wishes however you want to if  you desire to be a monkey paw instead.

S.T : You can now wish for things for yourself, but these wishes will be  even more limited than those you can give others. Examples of what you  can wish for is to stumble over items or people in the future, for  events to happen near you in the future and other things that CAN happen  without a miracle.

Unclean Trigger : Not turning a wish into a monkey paw will become near  impossible for you, to such a degree that even playing a prank on people  you love must be done when giving a wish. These wishes do not  necessarily need to be mean, but as an example, someone that wishes to  be beautiful might end up with huge breasts in addition.
Cost: -6 Points - 3 Points +2 Points

Life Link : You can link your own life to others so that they  die if you die, and when the power is used, the victim will  automatically become aware of it. If one person that you have a link  attached to dies, then 5% of their human baseline endurance and strength  will go to you. You can remove the link at will, and have as many of  them as you wish.
Cost: -4 Points

Hentai Physics (E.B) : Everything that you do, or that  happens around you, will follow hentai and anime physics. There is  little to no chance of people being hurt when attacked by you unless you  specifically will it, and sex will always be pleasurable for all  participants. Sexual acts that normally would rip people apart will now  stretch that someone to a ridiculous degree instead. Things that most  frequently would leave people with horrible psychological- or physical  trauma will not, and the victims will remember the pleasure they felt  instead.
Cost: -1 Points

Pocket Dimension (E.B) : You can have total freedom to change  the terrain around you, be it shape and what material it is made for.  You will be able to see a map of the area around you inside your mind,  and rapidly make large or small changes. As long as the material is not a  part of a living creature, and within a radius of one kilometre of you,  then you can create what you wish of it, be it a wild jungle, a giant  building, a cave of meat, or something else.
Cost: -2 Points

Sexual Healing (E.B) : Anyone killed by you will be  reanimated with bodies that do not need nourishment, bodily functions,  or oxygen. Any limbs they lose will be fully functional and can be  reattached easily, and any bodies mutilated when you killed them will be  restored, with only small hints marked on their body to what killed  them. You can instill a hunger in them that they need to fulfill to not  fall apart, examples of this can be brains or sex.
Cost: -2 Points

Reconfiguration (E.B) : You can eat objects to gain  their powers. Most are redundant but all are cumulative. The powers  gained depend on the eaten objects and not on your base power level. You  gain more from eating a tank than a pistol. The objects manifest as  tinkertech projections when their power is in use - and can be  destroyed. However, objects can also be combined, and you always eat  more bricks for ablative armour. You are not affected by the weight of  your manifested objects - everyone else (including the ground) is.
Cost: -2 Points

Path to Fantasy Fulfillment : You can see the deepest desires  and sexual dreams, fantasies, and fetishes of other people, and make  them happen with a thought. If the fantasy needs it, then people will be  mind-controlled, objects will be moved, and your other powers will be  used automatically. Everyone and everything in the area around you will  work together to fulfil your chosen fantasy. If the fantasy is  impossible to fulfil, then the next best and possible alternative will  happen.
Cost: -1 Points

Dream Control : You can travel into an interconnected world  made up of the dreams of the people of earth and control them as you  desire. By thinking of someone, and that person is asleep, you can  travel into their dreams or pull them into others, and control them as  you wish. You can also use your powers in the dream, and the changes  will be done in the real world too. Any changes made in the dream world  to the body of the dreamer will show themselves as a transformation when  they wake up.
Cost: -1 Points

Resurrection : You can now use your power of revival to bring  back the dead that has not been offed by you. Regardless of how long  it's been since the person died. The only thing you need is bone from  the dead, the size of a finger should be enough, or a similarly sized  piece of tissue. The new body of the deceased will rapidly regenerate  from the piece, and within a few minutes, they will be complete. The  only signs of being dead will be marks like scars near what killed them.  They won't remember their death until someone mentions it and might be a  bit confused about their abrupt displacement. The whole process will  tire you out mentally, and doing it more than five times a day will  leave you a tired husk for a few days. You can decide if you want to  revive someone as an undead, as mentioned in Sexual Healing Second  Trigger, or as a human.



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