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Kaze Plains, The New World, Overlord


When you wake up in the morning in an unfamiliar place with a killer  headache to end all headaches, it is all too easy for your mind to come  up with all sorts of wild theories as for why you were where you were.  It might have been the result of a particularly wild party, a spiked  drink, a prank, or even a spectacularly incompetent kidnapping.

In a way, the last one was correct but then again, 'being yeeted into a  fantasy world by a Random Omnipotent Being' doesn't usually make it to  that list for obvious reasons.

Unfortunately, it seemed like reality decided to be stranger than  fiction that day, because that was exactly what had happened. She was  fairly sure Earth didn't have undead skeletons and zombies running  around in fancy medieval plate. She was also fairly sure that skellies  in Earth didn't claw themselves together into horrific amalgamations of  bones and magic that scuttled unnaturally through the fog like something  out of a horror movie. The worst part was that despite the fog, the  area was still a barren flatland, so she would be pretty visible if she  ever left the ruined, dilapidated little house she had been hiding in  for the last few minutes.

Then again, there was a reason she was so calmly accepting of all this;  the fact was, she wasn't dropped into this fantasy deathtrap empty  handed.
No, it seemed as if whatever had dropped her off into the middle of an  undead apocalypse had the decency to at least give her a new body as  compensation, and some sweet gear to go along with it too.
Well, she was still pissed as hell at being the unwilling target of a fucking Isekai adventure, but she wasn't going to complain over getting free powers and Magic. That last one was particularly important here.

Was there any real need to explain any further?

Cassandra could distinctly feel the surge of pure Power coursing  through her body. It felt as if the very fundamental nature of her  existence as a living being had been elevated beyond the realms of a  mortal being.

There was something about her heart that she could feel wasn't there before. Something incomprehensibly powerful, Draconic and Divine.  It was pumping energy through her veins that distinctly went beyond the  physical, and in such gargantuan quantities that it was all but  impossible not to notice it.

The energy saturated her body in absurd amounts, and even as she  released a substantial quantity of it into the atmosphere with every  breath, she barely noticed the loss due to how much and how quickly it  was being replenished. The best part was that Cassandra had the distinct  impression that this was a passive state of affairs, and that if she so  desired it, she could turn the metaphorical 'ignition' on and see the  fireworks that ensued.

She could also tell that there was something odd about her body - The  nebulous, glowing blue orb embedded into her sternum was a pretty  obvious clue. She was pretty sure that was the Hogyoku, and if that  truly was the case, it only raised more questions than it answered.

Was the energy being pumped out by her hear spiritual particles - Reishi?

'No... while similar in nature, there were a lot of differences - maybe  an isotope of sorts?' Something in the back of her mind was telling her  that it was the case, but she had no idea if it was real or not.

She was also unbelievably strong, her fingers gouging trenches into solid stone and grinding it to dust with her bare hands

Her mind also felt more… organized for a better lack of term. It was as  if her mind was a fortress, and that all her thoughts and memories were  arranged into neat little bookshelves kept safe by all the defenders she  could possibly want. She never felt so secure with herself in her entire life.

Cassandra, after assuring herself that she was safe, finally took a  moment to take stock of herself. She needed to take inventory of  everything she had been left with.

She decided to start by inspecting her own body first, and Cassandra's  eyes widened at what she saw. She let out a low whistle. "Oh damn, I'm fine~"  She laughed as she poked and prodded at herself.

She was a bit taller than she used to be, around five foot eight or so,  and had a lithe, toned build with deceptively powerful muscles that  weren't that obvious unless she flexed them. Her hips were also quite  wider, and her legs longer - like damn, those things went on for days and oh boy, were they thicc - she could definitely appreciate a fine pair of legs on a woman, but she was even more happy to have them herself.
But her most prominent feature were definitely her new 'assets'.  They were a pair of gravity defying melons that were far perkier than  they had any right to be, but what surprised her the most was the ease  at which she could still move around despite the fact that those jugs  should have been weighing her down like an anchor.

"What size are these? an F? no, definitely more than that, a G maybe - an H? I have no way to check right now."

She then brought a lock of hair in front of her eyes, and noticed that  it was pale blonde where it used to be brown. She also noticed that her  ears had quite a noticeable point to it like those of an elf - odd .

It was then, that she caught a glimpse of her own face on a puddle of  water. A regal face with intense but soft features greeted her back.  While she could appreciate the regal beauty in the reflection, a small  part of her hoped that she could have still recognised her own face.  Well, she DID recognise the face in question, but it had no  business being there on her own head. After all, it wasn't every day you  realised that you were in the modified body of a certain gender-bent  King from an anime - that of Artoria Pendragon Lancer.

Well then - things just got even more confusing, but in a strange way,  the sheer intensity of her newfound power made a lot more sense. After  all, if her hunch was right, the energy flowing through her body was her  'od' - her personal mana, and the 'factory' of mana located in her  heart was her 'Mana reactor core'.

"So, do straight up just have Artoria's body? If my reaction time to  that skeleton was anything to go by, I have her skills too, though to  what degree is a valid question since I obviously don't have her  memories."

Then she had an Idea.

[Inventory] She said, trying to bring up the image of a game UI in her  mind. Surprisingly, it actually worked, and a list of items suddenly  appeared in her mind, and her brain abruptly crashed and rebooted at the  sheer absurdity of the fact that she now owned all of them.


  1. Avalon [Nasuverse]
  2. Rhongomyniad [Nasuverse]
  3. Kavacha and Kundala [Nasuverse]
  4. Jewelled Sword of Zelretch [Nasuverse]
  5. Skeleton Key [The Elder Scrolls]
  6. Chakra Fruit [Naruto]
  7. Hogyoku [Bleach]

"Holy shit. Wait, do I have a system too?" Half an hour of trial and error revealed that no, she didn't have a system, and that her life was NOT dictated by video game mechanics...yet.

"Disappointing. But oh well, you can't win everything. Not that I have any right to complain, considering what I already got."
There was something familiar about this particular arrangement of items  though, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Then realisation  crashed down on her like lightning.

"It was the CYOA wasn't it? I thought this stuff only happened in shitty fanfiction stories!" She groaned into her hands.

Then she scowled. "Wait, if we're following my build, I also took the 'forgettable' drawback. Why,  past me, why? Why would you ever do this to yourself? I don't care that  you thought it made for better storytelling, I'd rather keep my  metaknowledge and preconceived prejudices over flying blind any day."

Cassandra sighed. Existential crisis aside, she should really find her  way to civilization soon. But before that, she was due some protection.  And with a thought, Cassandra willed Kavacha and Kundala onto her body,  and was promptly introduced to the meaning of the word 'Pain'.

kavacha Kundala - was the very armor the Indian Demigod Karna was born  with to signify that he was the son of a sun-god. In his case, the  armour was fused with his very skin, supposedly making him invincible.  In the context of the nasuverse, it provided its wearer with a blanket  90% damage reduction to EVERYTHING so long as it didn't originate from  within his own body.

She was neither Karna, nor was she born with the armor, and so when she  had so casually 'equipped' it, the armor had made its manifestation  known rather... vigorously.

In a flash of searing flame, molten gold sunlight flowed around her body  as the conceptual armour of the sun glazed itself onto her very skin.  As soon as the fire finished coalescing into proper 'armour', the pain  similarly went away, but the memory of it would echo in her head for a  long time to come.

She looked at the gilded, lustrous gold that flowed and bent with her  natural movements, as if the armour itself was her very skin, and  realised…
"Yeah, no-ones gonna be taking this off me unless I unequip it.  Hopefully, there aren’t any Brahmin Priests around in this fantasy world  - I have no Idea how Karna's Legend would interact with them when I'm  the one wearing his armour."

It left a large part of her body 'unprotected', but it curved and flowed  around others seamlessly as if it was using her body to create a  delicate work of art - a masterpiece, and succeeding. Her toso and head  was mostly left bare, but it was most obvious around her limbs, where  golden bands wrapped around her arms and legs so tightly that it  wouldn’t be a mistake to call it a second skin - it might as well be one  considering how organically it bent and twisted as her body stretched  and flexed, as if it had the same consistency as that of her flesh and  was a natural part of her body as anything else.

In the end, it’s appearance didn’t matter, the defence it provided was  entirely conceptual in nature, cutting down any and all harmful effects  on her person to one-tenth of its power and intensity, no matter what it  might be.

It also came with a pair of massive, golden earrings that reminded her of chariot wheels - or the rays of the sun.

From the moment Cassandra materialised her armor, she immediately felt  an overwhelming sense of power. It was as of her body was bursting with  energy and heat like a radiant star.

Together, it and the natural resilience she already held from being a  Servant combined together to raise her durability to such absurd degrees  that she could most likely tank a nuke with nothing more than a bad  sunburn to come out of it. Maybe. Better not to test that.

Admittedly, it wasn't the most... conservative piece of clothing but it did its job pretty well.

"Now, for the next step." She paused, taking a deep breath before materialising the Chakra Fruit into her hands.

It was such an innocuous thing - a bit strange but unassuming  nonetheless. It looked like a bit like a crimson lotus, but it held an  unfathomable amount of power within itself. It was a world seed of  sorts, containing enough raw genetic material and spiritual energy to  act as an ark to an entire planet… or strip one of all life entirely.

Her eyebrows scrunched up in trepidation and hope as she stared at the fruit in her hand - or rather, she stared at the God Tree Fruit that was to be the origin of all chakra in a world far far away, where  magic punch wizards disguised as ninja waged war for millennia due to  the machinations of alien space gods and their descendants, where  ninja-Jesus walked the Elemental nations in the form of a blonde,  whiskered brat and converted enemies to his side through the mystical  and arcane powers of talk-no-Jutsu and instant-therapy.

Yes, she recognised the chakra fruit from ‘Naruto’ - a show Cassandra  had grown up watching as a child, and baulked at the sheer implications  of having such a thing in her possession. It was to be her ticket to  survival, and while she could just go ahead and eat it, gaining the  power of chakra and a set of eyes that could generally be labelled as  ‘hax’, she hoped for something better. After all, there was something  even more 'Hax' embedded into her chest. She brought a hand to her  chest, pressing it flatly against the wish granting device that also  doubled as a divergent evolution engine, and Prayed for success.

Because, like hell she wasn't going to abuse an oppertunity when it was  right within her grasp! She took the chakra fruit, brought it close, and  ate it.

Everything was washed away in a flare of white light as a considerable  fraction of the energy of an entire planet was distilled and  concentrated into the vessel of a 'human' body.

When she opened her eyes again, they were golden orbs whose sight could  cut through the truth of the world, and her skin and hair were bleached  of all colour. Draconic, indigo horns grew from her skull and curved  back in the vagure shape of a crown, while scales of the same colour  decorated her torso and limbs in the form of armour, which were further  embellished by the gilding it received from the Armour of the Sun. And  right above where her heart was meant to be, a Glowing blue orb pulsed  with power. In a sense, she looked savage, draconic and holy all at  once.

Cassandra exited her little hideout, and summoned the Holy Spear for the  final step of the plan. And that, was entirely reliant on her spear. If  things worked out like she expected, she would be able to clear the  area of the undead scourge, form an unassailable base of operations  where she could turtle up, and have a final 'Fuck you' option in case  everything went south.

To understand what that was, one must understand what the eldritch abomination she held in her hands actually was.

Rhongomyniad’s true form is that of a divine pillar of light that pinned  together the various textures, or layers, of reality in the Type Moon  Universe. Being a fundamental aspect of reality in said world, you  couldn’t actually abscond with the spear whenever you wanted lest you  wished the world to end.
The ‘holy spear’ in her hand was thus merely a ‘shadow’ cast by the true  pillar of light, and thus can have different shapes depending on the  user and ‘perspective’ it's seen from.Which can get pretty wild as it  could vary from being a spear, to an energy beam, to a spell, to a fucking castle.

It's also why more than one instance of the spear can exist at the same time.

She couldn't access all of the configurations because most of its  higher functions and power was locked behind thirteen seals that were  meant to safeguard its use so that it could only be wielded against a  'threat to humanity'. A good thing too, since it could potentially act  as a doomsday device.

You see, Rhongomyniad is the 'Tower of the End' - it was the thing that  anchored the world made of the physical laws of the present to the  planet, and when properly activated, it will convert the general area  around the spear into the 'Ends of the World' and the laws of reality  that governed the present would promptly peel off, allowing the way of  the past to return, reenacting the age of gods. In essence, its  activation generates a temporal fracture that would cause a  gravitational collapse in all corners of the Era until only the 'ends of  the world' remained.

Unfortunately for everyone involved, Cassandra had the skeleton key, and all thirteen seals went the way of the dinosaur.

There was nothing else that could possibly threaten her now-

In the distance, an amalgamation of corpses, of bones and rotting flesh  in the shape of a 'dragon' somehow took to the air with a grating sound,  and let out an incoherent, distorted roar that was fittingly akin to  the noise made by a meat grinder.

Staring at it, the only thing in Cassandra's mind was to 'Kill it with Fire'


The spear in her hand shone with a holy light as she fed well over three  million units of mana into it, and launched it at the sky. The ray of  light disappeared into the clouds for a moment, before a golden light  lit up the sky like a second sun. And what came down was a massive  golden construct of energy in the image of rhongomyniad’s spiral shell  that was made of giant intertwined and crisscrossing strips of light  that twisted and spun like a drill as it descended from the sky like a  meteor.It was far larger than any mountain could ever hope to be, more  than anyone could ever hope to ever dodge or outrun, and it carried a  physical weight to it, in addition to its sheer magic, that held a  certain drag and momentum of its own.

"Ah... I may have made a mistake."

It descended like a meteor, accelerating more and more with every  passing second until it crashed with all the force of a mountain being  dropped, and the air promptly ignited into an explosion of light and  heat unlike anything the world had ever seen before.


In the morning, news would reach the surrounding kingdoms, who were  still recovering from the earthquakes, of the fact that the entirety of  the Kaze Plains had been ground into dust, with a crater that ran Around  it for miles.

And at its very centre, a City had been erected overnight.


A/N: no, the eyes aren't that special - the byakugan just mutated due to fairy eyes to accomodate it.

​So, I found This CYOA, it had a lot really, really cool options, most of which were ~totally~ not broken at all and decided that I might as well see what comes out. Well, this was the result.    ​

So, my inspiration for this fic was the idea of what would happen if the  new world got another visitor it wasn’t prepared for. I thought it was  fitting. And while the build can be overpowered for a single person in  the new world, considering that the opposition were an entire guid base  full of OP NPCs and an Isekai’d video game avatar, a bunch of dragons  wielding soul magic, and an entire world of of religious nutcases,  corrupt nobility and other such, it more than evens out. While the MC is  OP, and can likely solo most opponents she faces unless Ainz pulls out  his big guns and big brains his way to victory, she would most likely  get overwhelmed if the entire tomb got together to wreck her shit.  Unless of course, she decides to embrace the NEET lifestyle and holes up  in her castle - because no-one is breaching that shit unless the stars  align for it to happen like it did in FGO.

https://dontknowed.neocities.org/infenal interdimensional item/

Target: You
Difficulty: Extremely Easy
Worlds: Overlord
Item crafting:

  1. Fairy Letters (Nasuverse)


  1. Avalon [Nasuverse]
  2. Rhongomyniad [Nasuverse]
  3. Kavacha and Kundala [Nasuverse]
  4. Jewelled Sword of Zelretch [Nasuverse]
  5. Skeleton Key [Elder Scrolls]
  6. Chakra Fruit [Naruto]
  7. Hogyoku [Bleach]


  1. King of Knights
  2. Adaptation: Overlord - Tier Magic, Wild magic, Runecraft, Data crystal Synthesis
  3. The Everdistant Utopia


  1. Turbulence (World Travel)
  2. Hunter
  3. Competence
  4. Broken secrecy
  5. Wild Hunt
  6. Oracle
  7. Prey vs Hunter: Nazerick
  8. Young device master
  9. Worthy opponent
  10. Armed conflict


  1. Mind Fortress
  2. Clarity
  3. Instinct
  4. Soul Shield
  5. Rework
  6. Shrouded
  7. Martial Artist
  8. Adaptation
  9. Omniglot
  10. Return
  11. Golden Rule
  12. Local Power
  13. Ability: Self Modification EX
  14. Unhuman: Servant (Nasuverse)
  15. Rebuild
  16. Sensitivity
  17. Conversion
  18. Control
  19. Inventory


  1. Hunted: Slane Theocracy
  2. Forgettable
  3. Geass: Keep to the Contract
  4. Disconnected

Point Conversion:

  1. 20 Points> 10 Items x2
  2. 10 Points> 5 Items x1
  3. 4 Points> 2 Items x1
  4. 2 Points> 1 Items x1

Grass; Mastery: She must reach mastery of every single magic and/or  crafting system available to her both naturally and through adaptation  before she moves onto another world


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