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Okay, a lot has changed over the past few months and I feel like I should compile all of the mini-announcements that I've made into one proper post, which I'm going to pin to the top of the page for new users. If you've been here a while, a lot of this may be information that you can skip. 

Mostly, I want to touch on questions that I've been getting very frequently.

Sissy School

Sissy School was put on pause earlier this year when attendance dropped dramatically (we were only getting 2 or 3 submissions per assignment). Sissy School was a great deal of work for both me and Lilly; running the Discord, creating the assignments, marking, keeping grades organized, generating report cards--and a big mistake that I made was opening it up to Twitter. Yes, Twitter brought in a ton of interest: many people signing up each day, but those people were not sticking around for long and many of them also brought along certain 'interests' that I don't want associated with Sissy School (Pedophilia, Black Worship, etc). 

The decision was made to shut it down and overhaul the system. For some, the pace was too slow. For some, it was too fast. Many couldn't find access to the necessary outfits. Many were too shy to post their submissions publicly. 

Now, Lilly and me are working on a new system that will be more work at your own pace. It will be more like a course than a class: you sign up, you get the textbooks and the curriculum, and then you work through the assignments. This should work for most people, and it will take a huge load off of Lilly and me. 

When Sissy School does launch again, and you are interested, I will say this: you will have to be willing to acquire certain items. We had an issue with the last iteration where some students didn't own anything (no female clothing, no wigs), and would ask if they could just submit naked photos. We even had one interested student who didn't own a single pair of panties, and had no interest in shaving the beard--or any part of the body. Unfortunately if this is your situation, you aren't going to be passing Sissy School. We're going to want to see a dress or two, some panties, a bra, a skirt, a bikini, etc. 

New Branding

I'm sure you've noticed the new branding rollout over the past two months-ish. I've been getting this question almost daily, so I will answer it here: Yes, the artwork is AI-generated. Yes, I am still not a fan of AI and maybe I'm coming off as a hypocrite, but back in November/December, I had a big scare that almost led to my Amazon account being terminated, which would have effectively ended my publishing career. 

In the decade that I've been publishing, I've had over ten models complain that their images have been used on my covers, despite the fact that I purchase a valid license for every cover that I use, which permits use on eBook covers. Some of these models have complained directly to Amazon. Not wanting their image being used on something erotic, they claim (lying) that their photos were never for sale. Of course, when Amazon contacts me, I prove that I have rights, but Amazon has no interest in lawsuits and with these models constantly coming forward, I felt like my account standing was at risk.

My account was closed for nearly a month while Amazon investigated an issue that is still a mystery to me. They simply told me that it was a 'rights' issue. Now, this could have been Amazon detecting pirated content (stolen from here on Patreon), or it could have been an issue with these models--I don't know. 

I'm not happy that AI has effectively made thousands of working artists unemployed overnight. I don't love that it uses their artwork to generate images. I don't even consider AI images as artwork, as an artist myself. But AI models don't threaten lawsuits. The rights are clear and simple: I own everything that I generate.  There are no 'only up to a certain number of units sold' stipulations with AI images. And, with AI, I can create models that actually look like the characters in the books. 

Fan Messages

This is sticky territory here, but it's something that I have to address. I had a long talk with my business partner (with Princess Publishing), discussing our plans moving forward. I love getting messages from readers, and I'm always happy to reply, and to answer any questions I get. But over the past year, the number of messages that I get on a daily basis is beyond what I can handle. I know that many of you would like nothing more than to just chit-chat with me, and as much as I like chit-chatting, my productivity has dropped massively. I once had an 8-month buffer between current WIPs and when they would be published. Now, that buffer has fallen to around 8 weeks. I simply can't keep up with my writing schedule when I spend 1-3 hours each day replying to emails and messages.

I want to make everyone happy, but I have to prioritize staying on target, at least until I get a half-decent buffer back, both with my own books, and with the work I'm doing with Princess Publishing. 

Trans Goddess Magazine/Patreon Exclusives

I get constant requests for sequels and character updates. If I cloned myself, my clone wouldn't be able to keep up with the sequel requests--so I've never really written sequels before. 

I'm a big fan of old Playboy magazines and thought that doing a Playboy-style magazine could be a fun way to give y'all what you want, without having to slave over a 20,000 word sequel (often to stories that never sold well to begin with). 

I still have about 40 stories that I unpublished from Amazon last year that I plan to make into Patreon exclusives. A few of you have messaged me pointing out that the Patreon exclusives that I've been publishing have been previously published. I'm sorry, but I thought that I made it clear in the last big update that the next 50-ish exclusives were previously on Amazon, but I deleted them after my account scare because the subject matter was possibly too taboo for Amazon. There will still be NEW Patreon Exclusive tales, but first I need to get the huge number of old tales up and get a clean slate. 

I will be sure to make it interactive, with centerfold voting nominations and polls--and I have a few other ideas to make it more interactive as well. 

Illustrated Books

You've possibly noticed the inclusion of illustrations in recent releases on Amazon. These illustrations are fun to make, though a bit time consuming. They actually make the books a bit less profitable for me, as they increase the delivery fee on Amazon, which is taken from my cut of the 70% royalty. But they've also been bringing in new fans. 

But you are my favourite fans, so I want to know what you think: do you like the illustrations or no?


I'm one of those people who has a new idea every day. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, about 7 years ago--though (not to start an argument) I don't really believe in ADHD. I jump around a lot. I get big ideas and then I chase them, sometimes without thinking first about how they're going to work. This personality trait has gotten me into some trouble over the past few years, biting off far more than I could possibly chew. 

I'm trying very hard to stick to my lane now. I have duties with Princess Publishing: deadlines that need to be upheld. I can't be bouncing all over the place. So for the rest of 2023 (at the very least), I will not be suddenly introducing any big new ideas. What you see in this update is, more or less, what you're going to get:

  • A new release on Amazon each week
  • Trans Goddess Magazine
  • Patreon Exclusive Stories
  • Sissy School (coming later)

I hope that this is okay. If you have any questions about any of this, post in the comments! 



Hey Nicki We love your work and I am really enjoying the magazine format as something new and fun and for one don’t want to see you burned out or struggling! Kisses 😘


Great to see this mini-series of announcements here and seeing how things are planned to proceed in a number of ways. Going to be 100 percent honest here (and try and not sound like an ass). It does disappoint to see you using AI art. When your new pics began rolling out, I had a small suspicion in the back of my head, but didn't want to believe that it was AI art, as the style of said new pics did look similar to some artists online I have seen before. (But then, that's what AI generated art does, steals and mines online art from real people to copy and process). And given your previous stance on AI generated works, which I was in agreeance with and supported, coupled with the fact I know several artists who have taken a hard line stance/been affected by websites who've made policy decisions to embrace AI art despite its impact, it does make it a bit...unfortunate and frankly disappointing, to have those suspicions confirmed that these new covers use it, with how much you vehemently were against AI content in the past and your own posts. (and arguing between the difference between Art and Written works being generated with AI art, to some, seems like apples and oranges, in terms of difference) I'll still read your content, and I do *get* the reasoning behind it, given your discussion before in regard to the models having complained, which I found was ridiculous given they put their image out there for free use/licensed use. But I do understand Amazon had been riding your ass/making things difficult. I see it as you being trapped in definite rock and hard place situation, and the decision to use Ai generated art seems to have been a solution that was chosen after much of these issues just compiled up. (and I know, at least for some, the cover itself is the main drawing point for them to have that initial click/inspection on Amazon) Sorry for the rant-length comment here, I'm not trying to come off like an a-hole. I know the writing *in* your stories continue to be your own, and that is the main priority here, while whenever I look at the covers now, with this confirmation, it will no doubt come with a grain of salt, but I am focusing on the content within, the real worked upon content, that at the end of the day is why we're all here and such big fans of yours, and will continue to be, as I love your work and your content. But nevertheless, I'm still happy to see your updates and notifications here and excited for what's to come. I'm glad and happy to continue supporting you for as long as I am able.


You got this babe! we love you Nikki :) I think letting students work at their own pace is a good idea for sissy school. its a very personal and emotional process. some things I find easy that others might find hard, some things that sound easy enough I've found really quite hard. especially sharing pics. (and shaving my beard too, it was a nice beard - shaving the rest of my body I did day one and had no qualms about it - not that I really had much body hair to start with). just this past week I've finally found the guts to share some pics with a lovely trans woman I met online, but it took a lot of pushing on her part and its just with her. dealing with boys and dicks on the other hand.... lol try and stop me. I think also having a bunch of looky-loos on the discord who watch but don't share makes people uncomfortable. this process takes a lot of trust, and even with people you trust its still kinda terrifying sometimes. I have so much admiration for women like you and Lilly who came out when society was even less accepting and without all the help I've had. you girls are heroes to me :)

Carl Kincheloe

Nikki, by now you must know that your fans love you and love what you create. You already give us so much, so please don't overburden yourself. Above all, take time for yourself when you need it! I know that you don't really like AI and we look forward to seeing illustrations that you create yourself, but I think that using AI is OK for some things like book covers. Especially if it makes your life easier.

Patrick Carey

Do what you have to do. I'm not happy with the AI situation, but I don't want you to get into problems with Amazon. I'll admit, I often prefer the live models, but it's not any kind of deal breaker. The illustrations are nice, especially in Stuck in a Dress and the Girly Guides, but again, I don't have to have them if they become any kind of a problem. I'm not one for Sissy School, so I'll just observe from the sidelines. I do like the magazine, and the centerfold makes for a nice way to follow up on characters, and see how they look after embracing their girlhood. Sequels are tough, I understand, so this is a way to do it, other than a cameo in stories. Your main focus should be stories, which is what we all want, so I think we understand that that's where your attention needs to be. Communicating with you is fun, but writers gotta write. If I need to send you a message, I'll say it with lingerie.


Illustrations: If they bring in enough new folks to offset the extra charge from Amazon, great. If not, personally I wouldn't miss them.

Scarlett James

Nikki, I love what you are doing!!!!! I look forward to all you do and realize its a lot of work for you. Keep doing what you're doing .. we will be here ...

Rebecca Michelle

Huzzah! That all sounds good. What I hear is you are finding out more of what you want and that will help you create better products and experiences.


I joined because I love your writing so please keep writing. I still want to see a full on novel some day. Hang in there!!!

Mandy Webber

I love your content and everything about it all the way up to sissy school if it has been a few year earlier I would have love to be a student I still would. I use to have tons of women clothes and make up. I use too live as a female hormones and all. It was fun and exciting I actually passed I got a lot of free drinks at razzles in Daytona beach. I use to drive all the way to the Parliament House in Orlando fla. on my scooter in a dress. It was fun. I have never done the sissy thing though. I use to have a ton of different toys my favorite was the dildo with electric shock that emitted from it. That was a fun toy. I loved it and still do I miss it a lot. I had to give it up. There was and is a lot of stress I lost a ton of friends and few family members. I lost the very one support I had my sister in law she passed away she excepted me for who I was and still am. It saddened me. She was the one person that started me on my hormone therapy by taking me to therapist. After her death I lost the will to go on everyone is so judgmental. I got to build my cosmetics up and my clothing. I had really cute dresses and boots. I was going as Jessica Wheeler at the time I really miss it. My profile picture is actually me I just enhanced my image using FaceApp I when using face app I try too keep it as close to looking as my true image. When I look at it it kinda gets me a little nervous but I am fine with it. It really looks like me but a little more girly.


Heyyy! I'm actually working this week (and last week) on reformatting Sissy School into something much fuller and more complete. I'll be updating soon!

Mandy Webber

That sissy school sounds fun. Is there any actual sex involved like toys or having sex with men. That would be even fun. Hope what I said is not too much.


It will teach about sex with men, and encourage it, but we aren't providing the men, if that's what you're asking!

Mandy Webber

No not at all I know you would not supply the men lol that prolly be too much lol. How far can we actually take this I mean is finding a man and having sex with them going to far as in posting. I have tried to make a video of me having sex with a toy on pornhub I did not show my face though. The video came out bad it is hard to video myself with my iPad I left it on pornhub for a few month it did no good so I deleted it. It got no view. I was in a black mini dress at the time of making it.

Mandy Webber

Well I only asked that is because I do not want to hurt this lovely community I actually love it here and I feel that I can fit in.


Nikki, I know that it has taken me a while to respond to this posting. On the day that you originally posted it back in June, I was admitted to the hospital with a very serious case of pneumonia and sepsis which almost cost me my life. That kept me out of circulation and unable to really concentrate enough to read anything until early in August. With regards to AI & your cover pictures, you have certainly expressed your personal feelings (and those of many of us) regarding AI and the "confiscation" of artist's work, time, and effort, but if the alternative is a blank cover or your losing the ability to publish on Amazon, sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do! However (IMHO) with regards to including pictures in the books, that may be taking it a bit too far. You've already expressed your disdain for using the AI covers and explained the necessity of doing it, and (again, just my opinion) I feel that it may be a little bit hypocritical to then use more of the AI creations inside of the story. During my recovery, I've had the opportunity to read several of Lily Lustwood's books that include AI generated pictures and while they are really beautiful pieces of computer art, I don't feel that they enhance the story that much and, given your feelings on AI, my thoughts are that you resist the temptation to include them just to have a book with more pages in it at a lower return on investment. Just my belated thoughts. Ray

Peter LeBar

Hi Nicki just wanted to say I'm another big fan (and that I can't believe it took me this long to read your post from last summer) Love and 💋

David Morrow

Hello Nikki, I'm a big fan of transgender girl stories. I was looking up some books of transgender girl stories about two weeks ago. By the way, I love the illustrations in your books. I found several books on Amazon of yours. I bought three books of yours, and one from LIlly Lustwood. The three books that I bought of yours is: Bigger Than You, Trophy Wife, and 12 Hard Inches. This is when I decided to join your Patreon page. You're a great writer, and keep up the great work with your writing. Love, David

God S K

Just finished she's a stud, and was wondering where the nsfw pictures were? Also please keep up the amazing writing that you and lilly do. Wishings things get easier from here on. Thank you and sending hugs.

God S K

P s wish there could've been a small wedding or small party celebrating the conquest and union.