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The next morning didn’t start out too bad, but it quickly took a turn when the guards all came running through the cafeteria and down the hallway towards the bathrooms. A few moments later, they pulled Rock out on a stretcher, covered in blood. He’d been stabbed repeatedly, and now, he was very dead, arms slumped over the side of the stretcher.

He was so heavy that the guards weren’t able to make it far before stumbling and dropping him. His bloody corpse rolled and then they struggled to get his dead weight back onto the stretcher.

“What the fuck?” someone near me said.

And then the whole place was ripe with whispering. Guards came through and started questioning everybody, trying to figure out who killed Rock. And then a guard came up to me. He stared into my eyes as two more guards came up to his side. “You’re going to have to come with us,” he said.

“What? Why?” I said.

“Questions,” they said. And then they took me by the arm and pulled me away. My heart raced as everyone in the room stared at me.

“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t stab him,” I said. “I—I don’t know anything.” And then I remembered playing with that baton the night before. Did they find my DNA on it or something? Was that same baton used to kill Rock, along with whatever knife stabbed him over and over? Should I fess up before they came down on me?

They took me into a room and stared at me. One of the prison officials came into the room. They all just stared at me, as if they were waiting for me to fess up. “I really didn’t do anything!” I said.

Then, the lead guard blushed and tried to hide a weird smirk. What was happening? Why was he making that face?

“What?” I said.

“Was Rock you—uh—boyfriend?” he said.

“What!?” I snapped. “What the hell are you talking about!?”

“Your cellmate, Rock,” he went on, now blushing even more. “The two of you were, uh, sexually active together—correct?”

“This is insane!” I barked, shaking my head.

“Look, man,” said the official. “We’re just trying to get the story straight for our report.”

“I wasn’t messing around with Rock! I’m not gay!” I said.

“Okay…” said the lead guard. “But, uh, we have multiple reports of you…” Then the room became silent.

“What reports? Me doing what?” I said.

“Last night, a number of inmates heard you and rock together, being intimate. And this morning, when we searched your cell, we found a large amount of… semen, in your bed.”

I felt my face turning white. I opened my mouth to speak, but it wasn’t easy pushing out the words. “I didn’t have sex with Rock,” I said. My voice was hardly a whimper.

“Okay,” said the lead guard, nodding his head slowly. “Well, if you would just admit it, we could be done with this conversation. You aren’t a suspect right now. We have a number of other suspects. We just need to make sure that the story we have is accurate. You had sex with Rock even though you’re in a relationship with Damian.”

“Damian? What the fuck are you talking about right now!?” I gasped.

They showed me a picture, but I had no idea who the guy was. I’d never seen him before. “He claims that you’re his girlfriend. We have others confirming.”

“Oh my God,” I groaned. This was so embarrassing. “Do I look like a girl!? I’m nobody’s girlfriend! Jesus, this shit is crazy! I want out of here! I’m so over this shit.”

“Calm down, fella,” said the guard. “We don’t care what you do with your time. How you get off… that’s your business. We just want to get the story straight for our records. So, uh, let’s just say that you were with Rock last night and the other inmates heard it. Damian heard it and got jealous, and acted out.”

“You think he killed Rock because of me!?” I said.

They all stared at me. “It seems likely at the moment,” the official said. “And like he said, we don’t care what you’re into. That’s none of our business. But, uh, you should be more careful with who you fool around with in here. The men you’re dealing with in here are very… territorial.”

“For the last time…” I started, but I knew that there was no point in fighting it. They already believed what they wanted to believe. They apparently had their case figured out, and I didn’t exactly feel like telling them that I fucked myself with a police baton the night before, and that’s probably what people heard. And maybe they did think that Rock was fucking me, and maybe they did kill Rock because of it.

That afternoon, while I was in my cell, staring up at the top bunk and trying to figure out exactly how many more sleeps were left until I could leave, the cell door opened. I looked over and saw two guards, now moving aside to let another prisoner in.

I immediately recognized him: the man with the long blonde hair who sat down with me the day before at mealtime. “What is he doing here?” I asked. If someone did kill Rock because they thought that Rock was fucking me, then there was a good chance this was the guy.

“This is Leroy,” said one of the guards. “He’s your new cellmate. You both lost cellmates this morning, so we’re consolidating to make room.”

“H—Him?” I said. “What happened to his cellmate?”

“Choked,” smiled Leroy. “Really tragic.” He was staring into my eyes with that big grin on his face. He waited until the door was locked and the guards were gone before saying, “How’s it going, princess?”

And now I was terrified. I was worried that he was going to kill me because he thought that I ‘cheated’ on him with Rock. Did he really think that I was his girlfriend? Were we really going to be stuck together for the next six months?

“What’s the matter, beautiful?” he asked.


“Why you making that face?”

“What face?”

“Just relax. I won’t hurt you. And I won’t let anyone else hurt you. You’re safe with me—as long as you don’t mind doing a few favors for me, that is.” And now, the grin on his face was bigger than ever before. “And in case you’re wondering what you could do for me, a good start would be addressing your legs. There’s a razor in the middle stall, behind the toilet bowl, in the cafeteria bathroom. I put it there just for you.”

“Are you crazy?” I said. “This is just crazy.”

“Crazy for you, baby,” he grinned, and now I just wasn’t so sure that he was kidding around. Now, I was actually starting to think that he believed I was a woman. Maybe he’d been locked up for a very, very long time. Maybe he wasn’t entirely sane. Maybe he really did see a woman when he looked at me, because it had been so long since he’d actually seen a real woman.

My heart was lost somewhere in the pit of my stomach. I hated that I was stuck with him. And I hated that I was actually going to shave my legs for him. I didn’t want to find out just how crazy he could be. I didn’t want to know what he was like when he was mad, especially if he was capable of killing a hulk like Rock.




Andrew Jones

Nikki, Today is my birthday! Thanks for for the fresh story segment!

Andrew Jones

Free Starbucks for me!

Andrew Jones

Yes, you have to earn stars. Check out the web site. Yeah, they want you to spend your money.

Patrick Carey

Dunkin does it too if you sign up.