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I am trying to come up with a better system for handling comissions than the endless cue. It simply was too long, and it was difficult for me to gain a sense of accomplishment since it never got shorter.

Right now I'm leaning towards the slot system, and holding it to 5 to 10 slots only. I'm also trying to figure out a fair way to offer them, and a lottery may be the way to go.

Regardless, going forward; I'll only be accepting comissions through patreon. I'd like to hear what my followers think.



Sounds fair to me, it relieves an amount of stress on your end in having slots so there's not just an endless queue of people and a lottery/raffle system is overall better, even though rng certainly is not on all of our sides it's still better than other options like first come first serve where some people just don't have the freedom to do those things


Sounds fair to me.