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So, this is a set that I've been working on for almost two years; two pages at a time as I am asked. As a result my style and skill has changed quite a bit, so I am going through each page one at a time and cleaning and correcting them. As I get them done, I will update the post. 

They're all done and posted!




Ohh that look very promising hehe


Hell yeah, I loved the Miko one from back when!

Armando Perales

This is going to be a very fun series


Definitely gonna look forward to this one! Loved the one with Miko from back then


Finding it interesting to revisit your older skill level like that?


Some of it is cringe, like I've got no idea why I did some things they way I did them


I can't wait to see how it turns out! Out of curiosity approximately how long will this one be?


I actually can't remember off hand, like 9 pages maybe? I'm working on the last one now. After I finish it I'll go back and clean up the old ones and post them as I'm done.


God it starting to look better and better can't wait to see thr other parts!~


The adventure continues! Love the sheer size she's gotten to. Such cute bloomphed arms.


The last two pics leading up to the boom? Perfect.


Absolutely perfect and the last pic before the boom is so satisfying! Excellent sequence Fugu! :3 ❤❤