Update 14/01/24 (Patreon)
i'm giving some life signs here hehe
i'm still working on the videos but at this point i thinks the is not point on showing more unfinished frames, so i'm showing you some ideas i had while working haha
So if you remember I was thinking of doing an extra video of the inside of the cell with some people attached to the walls, but at this point i find the idea pretty unnecessary, i mean who would be there? videl and company?
so i been thinking on using the plot of this enemy Majin Ozotto, he is basically going thought the universe eating planets and the people on them, and he can do a lot of things like shape shifting and dividing himself, he even give invitation cards to his mansion haha, also i can have an excuse to show a lot of other characters from the series
i think i could do mini clips or gif of this mean while i work on the resident evil videos that will come next, because this time there is not story or anything
all this is still just ideas i have, we'll see they come true