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Updated on 24/01/2023
Added an additional 1300 portraits to the pack bringing the final, grand total to over 2400. This was done instead of making a second post or product. Have at it!

Morning all!

So, obviously a number of you may be aware of the current discussions and debates around AI generated "art", it's a direction that was inevitable and with the continued progress of technology it'll definitely be more apparent in the years to come. Regardless, with me being in the creative field I had to have a play around and see what the fuss was all about

Now I will openly say that I take zero credit for these works (with the exception of spending an unhealthy amount of hours doing this as a 'test'), if anything the hard work was done by the plethora of original artists out there before their work was consumed by the ever-hungry AI algorithms. My personal opinions on AI art is that this isn't something I can bring myself to ask money for as I didn't "create" them, it's not art that has been laboured over, revised and had the time or effort spent to bring into existence.

Whilst AI art will never take over bespoke hand created pieces (in my opinion), I do believe there is a place for it, be it instances like this pack - creating lots of variations of things so that your worlds don't feel empty, or as a tool for those who aren't artistically inclined to bring ideas forward for then traditional artists to take, revise and build upon to make something unique for the client. It's an odd one, and one that raises a lot of questions that need to be answered in due course. I personally don't believe in profiteering off of AI generated creations because they aren't really your doing. If anything, offer a donation or buy a coffee for your favourite traditional artist.

This idea though came about to pad my own portrait collection out as well as thinking many of you may also need the same for your VTT's and thus...

I compiled 2400-something portraits. 

With the exception of the occasional small artifact when viewed close on a select few, they are all useful and have been individually curated, so it should provide a good foundation to populate your worlds.


Cyberpunk Portrait Pack:




Will you share the method (text) you used to make these totally awesome portraits? I'm trying to get an algorithm going so my players can give me 3-5 keywords about there character and then i can make an array of pictures for them to chose from.


Just in time. Thanks a ton.


This is incredibly helpful!


These are sick! Which AI generator did you use?


Hey Austin, I had a bit of an operation going at the time. I was using a locally installed version of Stable Diffusion 1.4 for half of the portraits whilst testing them against Dreamstudio AI's web version which uses the newer Stable Diffusion 1.5 - So, basically they are a mix between SD 1.4 and 1.5. Obviously the stuff you can make on the web takes considerably less time compared to my single graphics card but the results were comparable.


This is amazing. Thank you!


Oh cool! I've been mostly playing around with MidJourney, which I think also uses Stable Diffusion. They seem to be a little more coherent than what I've been getting out of MJ, so that's really cool. Nice prompt work!