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Hard to believe I've been doing this comic thing for 4 years, time has flown by!

This year has been crazy. In addition to the comic business, I've moved to Finland and gotten married. Life's been busy and I hope things will settle down by end of year so I can focus more on doing comic things, I have a ton of cool ideas I'd like to realize as I continue the "Roses for Avalon" story!

Thank you all for supporting me. I read every comment and it's amazing to me that so many folks still enjoy my weird comics. I'll try to keep raising the bar!




Happy happy Bdayyy. Where’s a good place to send fanart?

ligia a

Happy birthdayyyy 🎂


Happy birthday!! So thankful for your dedication to your craft! 🙏

pj wolf

Damn. Happy birthday, dude. Congratulations.

Sonny Barlow

Happy birthday!! 🎂


Happy birthday, kind sir! I'm thrilled all over again with every new page that you load; from the character designs you've shared it looks like 'Roses' has a long and fascinating road to travel, and I am absolutely going to be here for every moment of it.


4 years!? I would have guessed much longer than that. Your art and stories are splendid. Finland is one of my relocation choices. How is it so far? Also, Happy Birthday!


I wish you a Happy Birthday and tons of luck, health and success as well! ;) I have to say, you have accomplished more in one year than others would need decades for, you can be really proud of yourself. Not to mention the year isn't even over yet. Also "weird" would be the last adjective I would use for your comics, your style and your designs always inspire and amaze me immensely. The sexy parts are really "just" the icing on the cake, hehe.

Russ Long

Happy Birthday!!

Aster Rowan

Happy birthday, hope this new chapter in your life continues to be fantastic, and I look forward to many more years of amazing comics!