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The big reveal!




Your writing and facial expressions are on point as always~


If that super nice art teacher doesn't tell Cody where Willy went I'm gonna have a heart attack.


OH.MY.GOD. This tension is killing me ❤️🧡 You are a god in writing do you know that?


I guess we see what’s underneath the cool exterior 0.0


I absolutely love that both the recent page and this one final panel are Mr.Green's eyes. It's like with each passing moment with Willy he is learning more and more and eventually is coming to realize the truth. Something that he is not willing to admit.


I hope Mr. Green redeems himself after seeing how important Willy is to Cody and that Willy's becoming part of the family or something. Also this page gives me flashbacks but I'm glad this story isn't all doom and gloom. Lovely work with the expressions as always 💖

Sonny Barlow

How to lose your job in 3 easy steps:

pj wolf

Moving past some of the obvious stuff, but the perversion and ruining of lives only really happens when the wider society takes issue with gay folks. Because gay folks are aberrant and therefore "should" be shunned or whatever. But yeah, Cody's dad. Obviously not winning himself any great awards here, but I'm guessing the reveal of Cody's necklace being around Willy's neck will go off in one of two ways, I think. Either Mr. Green thinks Willy is some kind of harlot succubus and is further entrenched into the idea of Willy being a bad influence and perhaps gets physical... or this completely arrests him and he starts going down the road of accepting that his son is gay, and that maybe, just maybe, gay people aren't as evil as he's been socialized to believe. Remember, folks, Mr. Green once told Cody that he was willing to let gay people live their own lives without judgement. It's only when his kid got involved that it became all too real to him, and he's reacting poorly probably because he's afraid for his kid.


Let's see... Assault, battery for the criminal court. Infliction of emotional distress and issuance of threats for the civil court. Corrupt use of his position to further personal grudges for the Board of Regents. Hypocrisy and lying for the confessional. Loss of his son's love for his tombstone.

Monsieur Foxy

Gotta remember the time period this comic is set in. They still classified gay as a disease.

Arashi Sengoku

A lot of people are saying “oh he gonna be fired” or “he can be taken to court”. But sadly this isnt the current year, this is taken place in a year were if you beat up someone who was gay you could get away with it. You could literally expel, fire, mistreat someone for being gay and no one would bat an eye. Sadly this is how life was back then.