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Cody finishes his thought

I heard that our bodies don't really recover from old wounds. When you get a cut and it heals, the scar tissue is maintained for the rest of your life. If your collagen levels drop too low, the scar tissue will disintegrate and the wound will reappear

I think dealing with trauma in yourself and others is similar. It requires mental effort to keep those "wounds" closed. When you are fatigued and anxious, those wounds can open back up

Sometimes it's hard to tell if the effort is being made, but seeing the effort is important for those around you to trust you. Being vulnerable can be acutely painful at first, but chronic guardedness is withering






"Chronic guardedness is withering" I felt that


Unfortunately for some chronic guardedness is all they seem to be capable of, and invitations out of guardedness can feel abusive. I experienced this just last weekend. Wonderful work. If you ever consider producing a large format physical book I would buy a copy.


I am borrowing from something Willy is going to say down the line that applies here! But I guess it’s all in my head anyway


Thank you! I certainly will be making a few physical copies. I enjoy them myself though they’re not profitable