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Cody's dad coming in with the hot New Testament references



Chloe B.

The writing in your stories has always been good but this is truly next level in terms of the care and thoroughness of writing a nascent love story set in this period within this religiosity! It's fantastic work, I'm so glad to get to read it here


While I can’t completely agree with Cody’s father, it’s nice to see that he’s not the “holier than thou” type either, especially in the setting the comic is in


Cody looks so good in the bottom like wow

Diego P

Dad is a good man


amazing page, the last bit of text got to me. I'm so excited to see where this goes


These characters are so awesome


Holy shit ... I never in all my years living as a queer American born in a Christian household thought about being gay in the context of what God told Peter. Such an interesting commentary on how Christians view queer relationships...not to mention the incredibly well written discussion about relationships. This whole page oozes awesome writing. Absolutely amazing work once again purple!!!!!🥰


Acts 10! Hey I do my best to represent things well, glad you got something out of it! Thank you!!

pj wolf

I realize that he's speaking in the abstract, but this is probably the most... thoughtful thing people could have conceivably said in this time period. Wow.


Wow. I've been following this story and I gotta echo all these other comments, not just in relation to what Cody's father said, but all of the other adults in the story, along with the convos between Jesse and that Cheetah girl, and hell even the alien and the capybara. Your ability ot think up thoughtful conversation speaks well to your character, not just your writing. I was elected to cum, not to think, but man are your works great for both. Keep going, dude.


Thanks! I spend a lot of time trying to understand how other folks think. Writing stories is a good way to explore that and wrap it in some kind of narrative. I’m glad I can make it entertaining!

Monsieur Foxy

This is really great. He is typical for this period of history in parallel. Shrimp and gays are disgusting to him intellectually, but he acknowledges freely that he's not in a position to throw rocks in action.

Patrick Strouse

You are writing slammers here.


There is so much wisdom in this. Really well done.