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BAM, last page for this chapter, we're halfway through this comic! Hope ya'll having fun with these fellas because I am!

I'm going to take the rest of the month off to recharge after this page drops. I ain't burned out, but I've decided I should take my rest time more seriously, especially because I have a bunch of comic drafts for future projects that I want to write during the break. I've been trying to work on them between page drops, but honestly, my 3 day schedule is tight enough that not as much has been getting done as I'd like

Hope y'all have some good holiday plans coming up!




is always good to take some time off! happy holidays 🖤🖤


This breaks my heart and a good cliff hanger. Go get your rest. We all need it from time to time. Have a happy and safe holiday!


Ok a nice bittersweet and unsure ending. Nice. Cannot wait for the hijinks that will ensue.


Hey enjoy the time off and all that holiday goodness. Looking forward to next month. Be well!


Oh my god : ( this is so heartbreaking, poor Willy