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Good morning, Willy



Doomspud Roflcopter

1. Nekked willy is adorable 2. Where the fuck did he get all that diaz with no refills?? Yikes. Diazepam didn't even enter the market until 1963 so it's kinda crazy seeing this kid already has a stash of what must *clearly* be a felonious amount of the stuff. Unless of course he's just been getting re-prescribed again and again but never actually taking the pills...

haughty garbage

Its a listening to The Cure on low volume kind of morning


Oh my, willy is one anxious little guy, even with quite a bit of medication! I can't say I blame him though, poor thing. Also that second panel is *chef's kiss*. He's so adorable on that stool. Not that I have room to talk, as I've had to do the same.

Smokie ∆erg

Yeah, I saw the counter too. Hope the li'l dude is ok, cuz that's feels like a lot of sedatives for such a small body

Doomspud Roflcopter

Also just thought about it. 10mg for a tiny dood like that is... A lot. I'm 6'8"/320lbs and 10mg knocks me on my ass

Seth Mattingly

I must ask out of curiosity, why is the mirror covered?


Propably because he hates himself so much that he doesn't want to see his reflection on the mirror


He needs to eat


Jeez.. I can feel how unhappy he is in those first few panels.. And all that medication? I honestly hope he's able to find happiness in either Cody or someone/something else without feeling like he's the problem for enjoying himself. He really deserves more. ;u; Poor Gote