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I get the draw the inside of the car! It's not exactly a tight squeeze but Cody takes up a lot of space

One of the themes of this story is reactivity (Willy) vs reflection (Cody). I wanted to show Willy coming around to the idea that his defensive and reactive mindset is preventing him from being close with people, partly out of his desire to be closer to Cody, but also that this change of heart is because of Cody's method of support, which is nonreactive. 

Might have to redo the dialogue layout, it's a bit cramped! 




Cody is such a good friend 😭 I love him

Mr. Morebucks

Who would have thought Cody was a therapist? Teasing aside, it's nice to see more of Willy's humanity or... goatmanity?


Cody’s not an intentional therapist! He’s just a nice chill fella And yeah Willy has his thoughtful moments too thank goodness

J Olson

Also? Sitting horse bulge. Woof.