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Cody asking the important questions




I found out I was gay when our pastor's son came home in his military outfit. I was in the pew spacing out and when I saw him my heart skipped several beats. It's like I forgot to breath. Girls in the church went crazy and so was I (on the inside).


"She thought my father had done something to me." Oof. I had largely forgotten some people think being gay is the result of sexual abuse until a coworker one day very bluntly asked who molested me when she found out I was gay. I very gently explained to her that that isn't how it works.

pj wolf

Willy seems... very cool with how things are. But I guess this is how we know who suggested Willy try confession.

Diego P



Cody: Just asking the questions!


Eyyy that’s a good story! I love hearing about how folks figure it out, enough so I wanted to write this story about it


People were on my case for being gay long before I even knew I was gay; so I guess I had hints haha. I realized it when my interest in Bowser was more of a fictional crush than just being a fan. It's also how I became a furry! 🐐

Monsieur Foxy

When you low-key have Sleipnir in your family tree.

Lawliet Donovan

Part of me feels the emotions of this scene on a personal level and I love every second of it. The second part of me looks in the bottom right corner and sees a foot and says "LOOK, FOOT." I'm a complicated moron.