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First impressions are first impressions for a reason, Willy! 

I might tone down Willy's dialogue a little. He's a tool but he's not malicious, and part of him must feel a little for Cody. Writing Willy is fun because it lets me unleash my inner judgmental asshole: technically correct but rationalizing the outcome he wants 

The scene where the characters first touch hands is important to me. So important that I decided to dedicate a whole page to it. Contrasts and theming matter to me, so I find it funny that Willy has to look up as he talks down to people. He resents having to ask people for help, and so takes back control by judging their performance. Of course, neither character understands that right now!



Reginald Robertson

The last bit of text is pretty devastating.

J Olson

I'm a short guy. Sometimes you have to be a bit of a jerk to get people to even notice you. Standing in a group of men, the conversation all happens above my head, literally.