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Whew, the big final page! I'm a bit tired and out of things to say, but I really appreciate your support. These little comics are changing my life in a big way



Foxy Foundry

Beautiful ending :)


Love love love this comic. Thank you for sharing your art


I already want an time-skip epilogue. Like, I want to see them working the garden outside their new house together with Jessie putting flowers in the ground and Aaron walking up with five huge bags of potting soil on his shoulders like it's just laundry, the two of them out shopping and Aaron getting all the stuff off the top shelves, and Jesse trying to teach Aaron how to use chopsticks at a sushi bar but can't for laughing too much at how they look like toothpicks in his hands.


Haha I’ll probably have more vignettes of them at some point. I don’t wanna spoil too much of the next chapter though!

Craig Jones

Awesome work mate, can’t wait to grab a physical copy when possible ❤️ Though I wonder what Noah has to say about all this 🧐 We shall see :)


Kind of cool how we reach the end of the story just when a 'false spring' type of spring has just passed. Feels right somehow, you know.