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Looks like things aren't quite as cut and dry as all that!




God I love scenes like this T.T


AHHHH OMG! I want so badly for them to become a thing again, but for them to also prioritize being a HEALTHY relationship this time around. You know???? 💞


The heart wants what it wants even if your mind says otherwise! This is a really tender scene and seeing Aaron with his walls down and genuinely finally admits that he does want Jesse and just aaaaaa- so many emotions!! Can't wait for the next page! Amazing work, bro!!

haughty garbage

Awww this is so cuuuuute DAMN tho hello Aaron's cock it's been a while~


This is such a tender and gut wrenching moment 😢❤


UGH the longing in Aaron’s expression is so GOOD! 😩💗


This is so sweet, but did he have to be naked to say all that, not that I'm complaining 😏


Ah finally

Mr Cake

I enjoy the though of these two as a couple, very enjoyable. Also just noticed Aaron is buck ass naked and a pleasant surprise to see.


PEEN! Also oh my god they're finally realizing it's LOVE

Zylvan Celestion

The heart wants what it wants 😌 Aaron knows he doesn’t just want Jesse’s body, and he doesn’t want to refuse it anymore, does he.

Sarah Sparks

My heart! 💘💓👁🍆


My hope is everyone involved is okay. Seems confusing, but Aaron is gorgeous with his stubble and intense eyes and hair. Good shit! Nice blue rim light too.

pj wolf

So yes, Aaron is naked. Good to know. Also, holy crap. Emotional vulnerability! Aaron is... opening up. And his objection is valid. But... but. This could be the start of something beautiful.


Naked in the living room? 😲


I was so involved in the romantic tension that I finally just noticed his dong being out lol


Daaaam that lightning you rock !! The green around him it was pure perfect design choice I liked it :o


Noah might want to rethink that party pass next time. ;)

Monsieur Foxy

Fuuuuck.... Aaron and Jesse absolutely deserve each other. Like.... Aaron needs to hurry the fuck up and get out the pro leagues with his money, so he can go live his happily ever after with Jesse.