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Aaron has kinda sad eyes! I want them to express a sort of heaviness. We've seen them up close a few times but he's usually smiling around Jesse




I want to be as comfy as Jesse looks in that first panel 😩

Jennifer Gauna

Oh this is gonna hurt me right in the heart isn't it 🥺 Those sad eyes are lonelyyyyy 😭😩💔


I get both a good and bad feeling.

Zack Douglas

Powerful work here, wow!


Those eyes 🥰


When your heart is telling you one thing and your mind is telling you something else, I really hope Aaron can find an amicable way to get comfortable with himself. Also A++ cause this scene is both heavy and hella romantic


This scene is super tender but sad at the same time- how tender it is too look at Jesse so comfortable sleeping in a familiar scent and then Aaron to come all lonely and touch starve for a cuddle session or something with Jesse!! So many emotions at the same time with just the scenario and how you drew Aaron's eye expressing a diff emotion from the usual

Diego P

Come upstairs please, you are mooning everyone

Cliff Cannon

is Aaron naked? :) love it all


I hope Aaron wants Jesse to sleep with him as his lovely comforter <3


Oh god this is going to hurt me


Agh, no, I can practically feel the internal loneliness and conflict Aaron's going through. It's giving me all kinds of anxiety, because this is either going to be followed with a good aww or a sad aww x.x Amazing work, Falcon! ❤️

pj wolf

A very gentle wake up. And another cliffhanger... Ooo, you tease!


I would totally buy a hardcover of this. I am emotionally invested in the relationship between these two. Stories like this show you that sex scenes are not vulgar or meant to please the masses, they are part of people's relationships and everyday lives. Everything here is essential, and that is the essence of good storytelling. Purplebirdman, bravo, please continue your exceptional work.


Aww thanks for the feedback dude! There will totally be physical copies of this, maybe hardcover someday haha


Have to think about this, I’m not sure what I would put on it haha


Thanks yeah I think it’s important to express these kinds of emotions before the big payoff! I want you to believe in these boys!

Daniela Cantu

I found this comic on another website and I fell instantly in love with it that I came running here