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"What's the Buzz" starring these two boys, coming to adult stores near you! Stupid comic idea I had to bust out there quickly haha

Mel belongs to https://twitter.com/apisbzzz 

I like doing these little standalone comics, but I feel bad about spending too much time on em cos it takes away from the main project. What do you think? Should I do more of em and spend time polishing them up?




I say do whatever makes you happy because that'll show in your art :3 but I Def like these little projects. And sexy muscle bug!


Yeah, do whatever is fun and enjoyable to you in the moment! These little side comics are fun and hot too, so there is no harm in taking a little break from the main project!


I’m fucking dying


Love these asides! They're fun


@purplebirdman you have reached “Platinum Dad Joke” with all of the Birds and the Bees Puns in this comic! It’s HILARIOUSLY AWESOME. Thank you for what you are doing...and as has been said, continue to do what is fun and enjoyable. In doing that, you are always doing your best work. ❤️

pj wolf

This is gloriously stupid. I like it!