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Hi, dear supporters!

I think I'll finish coding tonight. I wish I could say it's almost done, but I still need a few days to finish the update. Despite working 24/7, my graphic card is still rendering animations. I'll need a few days to complete them. Also, the German translation is not ready yet.

Starting from this version, I'm going to pay much more attention to the promotion of my game. I'm still enthusiastic and very far from being worn off, but I realize that the enthusiasm can't last forever. I really want to tell this story to the end, and it would be great if I got financial stimuli to work on my game, was able to hire an assistant, and could update my graphic card.

My game is not financially successful yet. I believe that's not because of the quality of the game but because of lack of promotion. Also, some people refrained from supporting me because my game didn't contain the story. But the story starts in the next update (v.0.0.9a), and you will finally find out what my game is about.

I plan to create two versions: v.0.0.8a-free (contains bug fixes, new animations, and new interface), and v.0.0.9a-full (all previous + new content). All my patrons will have access to the full version (5$ tiers with a tiny delay as it was before); at the same time, free users will have a free version;  the full version will be available for them in 2 or 4 weeks (I haven't decided it yet.)

Also, I'll provide some changes on Patreon, but they won't affect any of my current tiers.



You still have my support. Thanks for sharing your kinky imagination with all of us!


I found your game recently on itch.io. I was blown away by what you have so far. It easily became my favorite game and honestly, I don't think there is a game out there you can compare it with. The amount of detail you went into of real-life elements is insane in all the best ways! A link led me to your website where I found you on Patreon and instantly became a suscriber. I wish you all the best in your work and can't wait to see more. Thanks for breaking away from the mainstream of games that are currently on the market and putting together this beautiful story. It has to be told! Best wishes!