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Have you ever faced the situation: you play a game you like very much, and then the dev suddenly disappears? I don’t mean devs who say, “Okay, guys, I have some IRL issues, so I’m taking a break for a few months,” – and this is the last thing you heard from them. I mean the situation when a dev is quite active, posts teasers of the new update which is about to be done - and then he disappears. He disappears from everywhere: Patreon, Discord, all social media that you know. You check the date he visited different forums - the date doesn’t change. Somewhere in the depth of your memory, you remember that the devs mentioned his poor health... And this coronavirus pandemia... Your imagination draws the worst, though you still have hope that one day he will come back.

MC found this doll in the grass with the label “Selena Anderson, One Hour Agent.” There’s no owner anywhere. Maybe, one day, he will come and take his doll back, but until this, Selena will be the company for Dolly. MC and Dolly will take good care of her.




Valiant Warrior Astrid, The Humbling Experience, Selena: One Hour Agent, The Coceter Chronicles .... behind these stunning games were real humans, creative geniuses, who disappeared without a trace and without warning. They left an empty fanbase, but their work will not be forgotten. That's why I am so glad our Ze-gam-eZ here seems pretty present and today, more than ever, I am thankful that he continue to show up :) I raise my glas for the Selena doll and hope she is in good hands, now.


Yeah, that game had potential. Paperwork's game Project Sage is another example. There was one more post about a year ago where the dev said that the project would start development again. Patrons gave more money again. Nothing since that last post. I felt like some relative, friend, or maybe a hacker put the post in just to get a few more bucks out of people. Valiant Warrior Astrid was a really good one too.