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Walkthrough for  v. 0.0.5



Thank you. One page 3 you wrote "give nothing" two times, but one of these should be "give extra high tips" or someting like that. Does anybody else has that issue, that if you are on exhibitionsm stage 2, you'll get an error page and MC still don't wanna wear less, when the same pizza girl brings a delivery?


Thank you, fixed! I'm too lazy to update the link right now, but I'll do it later :) Sorry, I can't get this error. I did forget to remove a technical sting that shows 3 variables (MC says something like "2;2;1".) But it doesn't lead to error. Can you printscreen that error? And right now, MC can't put on that revealing homewear. She's thinking: - Are my clothes okay for meeting the delivery guy? - Haha! Obviously, not! But... - No... No, I can't. I should put on something more decent.. But no worries. One more stage - and MC will do that.


I don't need a screenshot, because I can give you the log file. The issue page can be ignored and the game will go one without problems. Besides, I think it's pretty clear that an image is missing or that my pizza guy is a girl causes that issue. Short log text: While loading <'Image' u'images/LpDesk/lpdesk07ex.jpg'>: File "game/fetish.rpy", line 205, in script call pause File "game/w1d2.rpy", line 3368, in script l "{i}Are my clothes okay for meeting the delivery guy?" IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/LpDesk/lpdesk07ex.jpg'.