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Heyo what's up!
Let me share a couple outlining ideas about the extended world of Lewd Leaf Land...

The world will be split up into multiple levels, which can be accessed from the hub-like town area. Here you can meet some of Molly's friends, talk a bit, then let them take over and go do something. Skate or glide through a level until you end up in a spot where you meet up with Molly again, and the plot thickens.
Meanwhile level (2) is where the previous encounters with the deerdude take place.
The sketch up top isn't necessarily the final design of the worldmap, perhaps (4) and (6) will be collapsed into the previous levels (3) and (5), we'll see...
But the general structure is already there!

Here's some more detail on each path...

With Divi you'll go on a lil camping trip. She goes on ahead with her skateboard, rolling through an underground downtown area to get to a more vast mushroomy zone, her go-to spot to set up a tent and contemplate the worlds mysteries.
With Lucy you'll visit her shaman friend Hooty on his farm. She will glide across the fields while Molly takes the train to meet up at Hooty's place, where they join in a ceremony to bring out their deepest desires.
Finally the last area (7) will be a special zone Molly can only access by collecting all green leaves. She will end up in a hotspring temple and make friends with an ancient lonely golem statue, who was left unrecognized for many years until she showed up.

Each path will feature its own special mechanics and encounters!
Lots of details for the characters interactions have yet to be filled into this framework, so I'm excited myself to find out how they're gonna turn out!

More on that in future updates, seeya then! =w=/




This sounds so awesome!


Looking forward to it!