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Yo everyone! We're happy to announce our new project:
Flower Plower フラ・プラ !

In the game you'll be able to roam the lands as >THE FLOWER PLOWER< , where you will be able to breed different Flower Girls by plowing them.

First you'll have to bring them fruits to eat that grow on trees, then you'll want to pollinate them with a pollen plant, until you can finally fertilize them, which will be displayed in animated CG-Scenes.
Afterwards she will give birth to a seed, which you can plant anywhere to grow a new Flower Girl, who will inherit certain traits depending on the items you've treated her with earlier.

You'll be able to explore in 3D this time using the teleportation powers of the pollen plants. Different areas will yield different items to give to a Flower Girl.

The game is currently in development, with essential game functions still being made, so stay tuned for updates!
We've got a bunch of ideas for fun little extra interactions with the Flower Girls too, like tossing beach balls back and forth and dancing to music.

Generally we're going for an atmospheric, but light and playful experience in a somewhat surreal environment.
Growing new Flower Girls means the background of the CGs will always change based on their location, so we're aiming to create a bunch of aesthetic spots in the world to have sex with a Flower Girl in!

Our newest implementations were the first animated CG-Scene, which you've seen parts of above already.
Certain Patrons can see the full animation already, or even test it ingame with the newest alpha build!

Also we've added an inventory system for picking up items, storing up to 3 at the time, switching between them with your mouse wheel and throwing them away again.

If you still have questions or further impulses about the game, feel free to let us know!



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