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Yesterday Peter & Lloyd hosted a chat session in the ERB Discord Server. So, we just wanted to offer a short recap of what was discussed for those of you who couldn't be there.

After general hellos to everyone attending, we had a request from a patron named ChayseNZ asking whether we could have a representative from New Zealand appear in a future battle. Dragonsblood23 suggested Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay in a duos match up versus Frodo & Sam from LOTR. Peter liked that idea a lot saying "the hairy feet, the love, it's great".

Various patrons asked would the two next ERB videos be coming out soon. Peter said that "the Karl Marx vs Henry Ford video is almost done, and coming out soon, and for once nobody on the team had to work overnight. We've never had a video fully finished prior to upload and been able to keep working on something else. With King Kong vs Godzilla hopefully right behind it in December, all signs point to yes!"

In terms of what comes after the Karl Marx and Godzilla battles, Peter confirmed we believe that Tom Cruise vs Evel Knievel will be the third battle to come out. It's still at an early stage of development but we fully expect that one will be the first 2024 battle released. Peter shared a couple of backgrounds that could feature in that battle. Here's a potential Knievel one...

At the moment it is planned that Lloyd will portray Evel Knievel and Peter will be Tom Cruise. Peter admitted he obviously looks nothing like Tom Cruise but that "we'd work something out". A pair of aviator sunglasses can maybe do wonders! Ha. Peter said he had "collected 30 minutes of isolated Tom Cruise dialogue and interviews" in order to test out the idea of training AI software to mimic Cruise's voice which could then be used as a reference point when recording the battle vocals.

The discussion jumped to discussing the ability to do voice memos on the Discord server. Peter, Lloyd and the patrons all joined in sending short voice clips to the server. It was nice to hear so many of their voices.

A patron called Blaisejoesanti queried the guys thoughts on the possibility of a Taylor Swift matchup happening in 2024. But, Peter stated "Swift is a no from me right now".

The matchup idea of Dr Frankenstein vs Marie Curie was brought up which is one pairing that Peter has liked for a while. We are going to open a writing room later today for it on the Discord server to explore if the matchup has got enough juice to be considered for a future full ERB release. Peter stated he might consider asking Weird Al to portray Dr Frankenstein if it happens.

Discussion circled back to the upcoming Karl Marx vs Henry Ford battle. Peter said we were not yet sure what exact date the video will get uploaded to YouTube. We are still fixing some errors that have been spotted. Right now, we expect it to be some time in the next week or two. (But you can actually listen to the early audio right now. Go to the link at the bottom of this post)

A patron called Dr Octacle said "There’s one thing that I really, really wanna bring up. So I really think ERB needs deadlines". Peter sad he disagreed saying "we are here with you to celebrate, to talk, and to share ideas. Not get lectured about deadlines and disappointment. I've never released an ERB and felt happy and healthy at the same time. (until now)"

We obviously know fans would like to see more battles, more often. But the pressures to release battles that we faced in previous years took a large toll on our own mental health. We are always very grateful for your patience and support and just hope you can appreciate why we made the decision to work slowly, rather than churn stuff out.

Moving on, a patron named Crabcakes125 asked what our current thoughts on Red Baron vs White Death were. Peter stated it was still on the agenda but was in a place of background design at the moment. Peter said "I'm hoping the flight museum in LA will let us film in a plane". It's probably a battle we will turn to explore more in 2024.

Peter then announced "we have a couple of short rap demo videos we made, one is "Robin Hood vs Ned Kelly", the other is "Spiderman vs Naruto". Peter explained "they are just writing exercises, short little demos. Don't get too excited". We plan to release those probably as YouTube shorts sometime in December.

On that note, the chat session concluded. Peter & Lloyd thanked everybody in attendance and wished everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving", for those of you that celebrate it. :)

If you wish to listen to the early audio of "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford" you can do so now over on our website. This is for Patreon ears only! Just head over to the following link...


The actual video will be out at some point in the next week or two. Not long to wait now! :) In the meantime we are fixing some errors on it and work continues on Godzilla vs King Kong.

Thanks again for all your support on Patreon this year. We really hope you enjoy the two videos coming out before the end of the year. Stay happy. Stay warm. Talk soon. -HM

BTW If you are wanting to buy any ERB merch for Xmas presents etc then we have put up a bunch of new ERB logo T-shirts (in black, red, blue and green colors) over on the ERB merchandise site. All patrons can get a 20% discount of your order if you enter the code VROOM in the discount code box at checkout.





I’m so glad to hear about the healthy work-life balance for the series now! As much as I love the series it is wayyyyyyyyy more important for me that you guys can enjoy time with your friends and family instead of just churning out battles (not to mention the irony of working long soul crushing hours on a Henry Ford video). Also I’m so excited to have my name in a ERB battle for the first time, since I joined just around the cuttoff for Croft V Jones.


Should I listen to it now? Or be surprised when it’s officially released? Tough choices today.


I’d wait to be surprise. I listen to the battle and I’m intrigued for the video