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Hello patrons! We can now announce the winners of the most recent quiz! Thank you to everyone who took part. Here are the exceptionally lucky / skilful winners...

The overall highest scorer was "Dante Walton"! Congratulations! You win the helmet from the Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky video. :)

In second place was "Gordon McNulty" who wins the pocket watch from the Sigmund Freud vs Mother Teresa video.

In third place was "Gayle Zheng" who wins the wedding ring and pencil from the John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane video.

In fourth place was "mason_mote" who wins the decorative Xmas tape (framed) from the John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane video.

In fifth place was "Anthony Buckley" who wins the chance to select 7 match-up ideas of their own choosing for a poll on the Patreon page for all patrons to vote on.

Finally, in sixth place was "W.Hendy" who correctly answered the riddle and was the closest person to the tiebreaker answer. You win an ERB Hat, Pin Badge & Wristband. 

We will contact all the winners sometime within the next week. Special commiserations to a few other high scorers who scored well but missed out on prizes including... Brandon Thomas, Dragonsblood23, merrymar, Junjie Junjie Junjie and EltonJohnsGhost.


Here are all the answers to all the questions to see where you went wrong! ;)

1) Which country is the odd one out - Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden? (clue: asset) A) Finland. Scandinavia is made up of the countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden and all use their own version of the 'krona' currency. Whilst Finland is a Nordic country it is not officially deemed part of Scandinavia and it actually uses the "Euro" currency.

2) Which city is the odd one out - St. Petersburg, Toronto, Damascus, Mumbai? (clue: title) A) Damascus. St Petersburg used to be called Petrograd and then Leningrad. Toronto used to be called Little York. Mumbai used to be called Bombay. Whilst Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and was never renamed over time.

3) Which male actor is the odd one out - Kit Harrington, Ashton Kutcher, Chace Crawford, Chris Pratt? (clue: birth) A) Chris Pratt. His official birthname was Christopher Michael Pratt so he is the only one of the four known by his actual real first name. Whereas Kit was born Christopher Catesby Harington. Ashton was born Christopher Ashton Kutcher. And Chace was born Christopher Chace Crawford. 

4) Which American Football team is the odd one out - Cleveland Browns, New England Patriots, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans? (clue: math) A) New England Patriots. The Patriots have won the joint most Superbowls in history (six in total) alongside the Pittsburgh Steelers. The other three teams have never reached a final before in their entire history.

5) Which popular beverage is the odd one out - Sprite, Powerade, Mountain Dew, Fanta? (clue: master) A) Mountain Dew. As Mountain Dew is a Pepsi owned company. Whilst the other three brands are all owned by Coca Cola.

6) Of these four historical rulers which does HeadMonk think is most suitable to feature in a future ERB - Charlemagne, Hammurabi, Tutankhamen, Moctezuma? A) Charlemagne.

7) Of these comic villains which one is HeadMonk's favourite - Scarecrow, Penguin, Dr Doom, Green Goblin? A) Dr Doom.

8) Of these four former American presidents which does HeadMonk think is the most suitable to feature in a future ERB - Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon? A) Richard Nixon.

9) Which member from the 80's TV show "The A-Team" is HeadMonk's favourite - Hannibal, Faceman, Murdock, Mr T? A) Faceman.

10) Of these four famous musicians which does HeadMonk think is the most suitable to feature in a future ERB - Prince, Elton John, Louis Armstrong, Jim Hendrix? A) Jimi Hendrix

11) My name has Greek origins. I can be as white as snow, I'm hard as a rock but sometimes I roll. The Romans loved me. They'd stand and stare. Midway thro the 1980's some say I had a bout of madness. Maybe I should just accept I belong in a museum. What am I? A) Marble. The word "marble" derives from an Ancient Greek word meaning "crystalline rock, shining stone". White marble itself was prized for its brilliant translucency and ability to take finely carved detail. The hardness of marble is very high, because the internal structure of the rock is very uniform after long-term natural aging. The ancient Greeks and Romans enjoyed playing marbles. Early games used balls made of stone such as marble, hence the name. The symbolic potential of exotic marble was fully appreciated by Rome's first emperor, Augustus, and consistently employed by his successors. "Marble Madness" is an arcade video game published by Atari Games in 1984 in which the player must guide a marble through six courses, populated with obstacles and enemies. In the 2000's it was included in the multi-platform compilation package called Midway Arcade Treasures. In museums worldwide there are many very famous marble sculptures e.g. The Elgin Marbles.

12) I asked Peter to think of a word with six letters - what word came to his mind first? A) Sextet

13) I asked Lloyd to think of a word with seven letters - what word came to his mind first? A) Panther

14) I asked Peter if the ERB studio was on fire, what would be the one physical item (not person or animal) that he would hope to save? A) Hard Drive

15) I asked Lloyd if his house was on fire, what would be the one physical item that he would hope to save - what did he answer? A) I don't run from fires, fires run from me

16) I asked Peter if he was ordering the perfect hot sandwich, what ingredients would he ask to have on it? A) Turkey & Cheese

17) I asked Lloyd if he was ordering "soup of the day" at a restaurant - what flavour of soup would he be hoping they'd be making? A) Chicken Noodle

18) I asked Peter if he had to represent the USA at the next Olympics - which event would he select to perform in? A) 100m Relay

19) I asked Lloyd if he had to represent the USA at the next Winter Olympics - which event would he select to perform in? A) Luge

20) I asked Peter if he had a time machine, which decade would he visit if he could travel back in time to any point in the last 200 years? A) 1960's

21) I asked Lloyd if he had a time machine, which year would he visit if he could travel back in time to any point in the last 200 years? A) 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush

22) What number between 1 and 1000 do you think is covered up in the image of ERB's Michael Bay below? A) 636


Well done to all the prize winners. We will have a new ERB quiz for you all soon! -HM




I may not have won a prize, but for the first time ever I got the riddle correct. So who is the real winner here? (It's the actual winners, but my thing is still cool!)


We all are winners, as we all support ERB. And ERB brings us all together as a family!