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We can now confirm the May quiz results! Thank you to everyone of you who entered. 

But, let's cut to the chase... who won stuff!? 

The overall highest scorer was... David Stone who wins the autographed "Jason Mask" that featured in the "Wolverine vs Freddy Kreuger" video plus an autographed postcard.

The second highest scorer was Chrissytcc who will receive autographed "Mario & Luigi Baseball Caps" that Pete and Lloyd wore in the "Mario Bros vs Wright Bros" video plus an autographed postcard.

The third highest scorer was Crabcakes125 who will receive the "Prism" that Weird Al used on screen in the "Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye" video plus an autographed postcard.

The fourth highest scorer was Gayle Zheng who will receive the "Bill Cosby Sweater" that Gary Anthony Williams wore in the "George Carlin vs Richard Pryor" ERB video.

The fifth highest scorer was Alice C who will receive a book written by Stephen Hawking (that we used for research) for the "Einstein vs Hawking" video plus "Mr T Ear-Rings" that appeared in the "Mr T vs Mr Rogers" video.

The sixth highest scorer was GlenOck who wins the chance to select seven match-up ideas of their own choosing for a poll on the Patreon page for all patrons to vote on. 

The seventh prize for the person who correctly answered the riddle (and was closest to the tie-breaker answer) was not won as no one guessed the riddle correctly. So we will roll over that prize to the next quiz. I guess we made the riddle a bit too difficult this time. Sorry folks.

We will contact all the winners this week. Commiserations to those of you who didn't win anything. Try again next time! :)

Here are all the correct answers so you can see where you went wrong!

1) In 1930 what approx. percentage of Americans owned a car? A: 20%

2) In 1982 what was the combined nuclear weapon power of the USSR and America equivalent to? A: 1 million Hiroshima's  (that is a power of 12 million megatons)

3) Which came first - forests or insects? A: Insects (who existed 530 million years ago)

4) In 1914 approx. what percentage of habitable land on Earth was under European control? A: 85%

5) In the mid-18th century approx. how many gallons of rum could one male slave be traded for? A: 115 gallons of rum

6) After the outbreak of the Black Death, one famous Italian city imposed a quarantine on incoming ships for how many days? A: 40 days ("Quaranta" is actually Italian for the number 40, giving us the word "quarantine")

7) The shortest ever war was fought in the 19th Century - how long did the war last? A: 38 minutes (the war was between England and Zanzibar)

8) What % of males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived World War II? A: 20% 

9) How old was the oldest cheese ever found? A: 3800 years old (found in graves of Chinese mummies)

10) Approx. how many letters were delivered to the trenches during WWI? A: 2 billion

11) Which of these is the odd one out - Microscope, Barometer, Telescope or Seismograph? (clue: tardis) A: Seismograph (the telescope, microscope and barometer were all 17th century inventions. But the first Seismograph was only invented in 1880)

12) Who is the odd one out - Henry VIII, Ulysses S Grant, Queen Victoria or Winston Churchill? (clue: colour) A: Henry VIII (Ulysses S Grant, Queen Victoria & Winston Churchill were all known to paint or draw. Henry VIII did not but he was actually persuaded to marry Anne Of Cleaves based on a portrait he saw of her. On seeing her n real life he supposedly said...“She is nothing fair and she has very evil smells about her”)

13) Which series of animal names is the odd one out? (Clue: chronicle) A: Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse (These four animals are all part of the Chinese zodiac. All the other answers were not. In 2023 its The Rabbit, 2024 the Dragon, 2025, the Snake, 2026 the Horse)

14) Which word is the odd one out - Wind, Pepper, Thousand or Saw? (Clue: crunchy) A: Thousand (All the other words can precede the word "mill" but the word thousand can not. But, the mill or mil is a unit of currency, used in several countries as one-thousandth of the base unit)

15) I'm found all across the world. I'm often sporty but also happily get drunk - but don't tell anyone or I'll give you a clip. I'm an animal lover, but they need me more. Don't sell me, or you might get into trouble. What am I? A: Grass (Grass is found across the world. Indeed, 20% of the world's vegetation consists of grass. Many sports are played on grass from football, soccer, tennis, horse racing, baseball, golf etc. Grass is often used in place of barley in gluten-free beer, whilst Wheatgrass is known for its health properties. If a person "grasses" on someone else, they tell the police or someone in authority about something bad that that person has done. When you mow the lawn you create grass clippings. Many animals eat grass as their main source of food, including cows, grasshoppers, rabbits, deer, sheep, horses, goats, bison, buffalos, zebras, kangaroos etc. In turn, grasses have evolved with grazing animals so that they can thrive after being eaten by grazing animals. Grasses don’t survive grazing: they thrive with grazing. Grass is another word often used to mean cannabis or weed. Selling that form of grass is illegal)

16) We asked Peter to name a smell that he loves - what was it? A: Chocolate

17) We asked Lloyd to name his favourite ever comedian - who was it? A: Eddie Murphy

18) We asked Peter if animals could talk which animal would be the most annoying? A: Birds

19) We asked Lloyd to name a character he would like to see Wax portray in a future ERB - which character did he say? A: Voldemort

20) We asked Peter to name a song his kids like that when he hears it, he often sings along out loud to? A: "The Excavator Song"

21) We asked Lloyd to name someone that makes him roll his eyes every time he sees them? A: Jada Pinkett Smith

22) We asked Peter to name a word that is a lot of fun to say - what word did he say? A: Liquidity

23) We asked Lloyd if he believes alien lifeforms have visited the Earth - what answer did he give? A: No

24) We asked Peter, if tear gas makes people cry and laughing gas makes people giggle, what other kind of gas do you wish existed? A: Fart Gas

25) We asked Lloyd if someone narrated his life in an audiobook, who would he want to be the narrator? A: Bill Burr

26) What number between 1 and 1000 do you think Lloyd has stuck to his face in the photograph below? A: 773 (see image below)


Thank you again to everyone who took part. We'll drop another quiz soon.



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