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This week Peter & Lloyd held another Discord Chat session over on the ERB server. They spent over an hour discussing various topics. This is a recap of what was discussed for those of you who were unable to attend live. Let's dig in shall we...

Peter kicked things off by saying there will be a new quiz coming out soon and there will be a bunch of cool prizes on offer. He confirmed that one of the prizes would be the "Jason Mask" that Atul actually wore in the "Wolverine vs Freddy Kreuger" video! (see the photo above) We will post up the new quiz sometime soon. So look out for that!

Peter & Lloyd then confirmed that the writing for the "Godzilla vs King Kong" battle is now complete, bar a few word tweaks we are planning. Peter said "I have to say, it has been one of my least favorite ERB writing experiences. It was a long grind through two fandoms that never interested me before. But through the process, I really came to love Godzilla and I think it's a strong piece of writing." 

Lloyd added "I think we can say it's fu*king rad!". Work has now begun on shaping the beat and the voices for the two characters. We have spent a very long time on the writing for the battle (probably longer than any previous battle) and we are all really happy with the way its turned out. It'll be uploaded later this year once work on the animation is complete.

They then moved on to discuss "Indiana Jones vs Lara Croft" which is a matchup we've been strongly considering doing in 2022. We've started research on the characters and writing has begun. But Peter explained "I'm hitting a wall. I've played the games, watched the movies, but I'm having a hard time caring much about Lara Croft! I can't keep up with where her character even exists in her own timeline. How is it not a wipe out?  Lara Croft is based on Indiana Jones and I don't see how she's in any way better."

Patrons in attendance offered various thoughts on why the matchup and specifically Lara Croft shouldn't be a concern. Peter was won over by the opinions and passion people offered and he said "Indy vs Croft survives! I was struggling to find that depth in Lara Croft, but I think you're reminding me that the depth can be in the battle between them."

We moved on to briefly discuss various key scenes from the history of both Jones and Croft, and there was a long chat about whether or not the "face melting" scene from Raiders Of The Lost Ark could be recreated in the battle. Lloyd felt it could be possible. Peter found it less plausible but said "the idea of melting Nathan Drake is really funny".

The topic of discussion then changed to talking about what matchup we should select to have as the next new writing room on the Discord server. Lloyd said "I love the idea of a Harley Quinn vs Florence Nightingale room". Patrons suggested various ideas including Ulysses S. Grant vs Ho Chi Minh, Tom Cruise vs Jackie Chan, Neil Armstrong vs Galileo, Charlie Chaplin vs Adam Sandler, Mary Poppins vs Beetlejuice amongst others.

Peter said he liked the idea of "Vince McMahon vs P.T. Barnum" which was suggested. It is actually a matchup we considered doing back in late 2019. The wrestling ringmaster versus the Circus ringmaster. It was decided that we would open a writing room for it and see if its a matchup that we wanna do sometime in the future. The new writing room has been opened on the Discord server - the channel is called "#doink-spoiler". All current patrons can submit lyric ideas for that matchup.

We then concluded the chat session with a brief Q&A session....

Blaisesanti asked "Pete - are you still planning on making the beat for Swift vs Cash from scratch?". Answer: I hope to make the beat for Swift vs Cash from scratch. I'm also working on something for Jones vs Croft, but Lloyd doesn't love it.

PrinceKovu asked "Does this confirm Taylor Swift vs Johnny Cash is definitely happening?" Answer: Yes. [Ed - at some point in the future. We intend starting work on it later in 2022, but as always plans are liable to change]

Nick Z  asked "I'd still like to see Yugi Muto in a battle - what do you think?" Answer: There are no plans for us to feature Yugi Muto in the foreseeable future. Sorry.

Doctor Octacle asked "What about reusing characters who have so much more to work with, like Leonardo Da Vinci?" Answer: Da Vinci really did get kind of a short rap. I think old characters can always be reused, as seen with Donald Trump and Boba Fett. They can be different if needed, but there are also still so many other characters left out there. 

Violet asked "Pete would you ever get Andre 3000 in a battle?" Answer: We actually pitched Andre 3000 to portray Mozart years ago but he declined. As did Robert Downey Jr!


Thank you to everyone attended the chat session. Hope this recap is helpful to those of you who couldn't join in live. There will be more chat sessions with Peter and Lloyd coming throughout the year. Talk soon. -HM



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